(no subject)

Sep 17, 2010 20:43

Characters: Jack Harkness, Ianto Jones, Toshiko Sato
Location: Apartment A-4
Planet: Coruscant
When: Shortly after Jack's post.
What: Chillin' out, talkin' 'bout stuff.
Rating: PG, PG-13. Nothing serious.

Tosh was a little nervous about seeing Jack again, considering that she'd previously died in his arms. It was something she tried not to think about much - but, conversely, it was never far from her mind. Luckily, having new technology to play around with served as a pretty good distraction. (She figured that having Ianto here was a sufficient distraction for Jack.)

Of course, she also wondered if the rest of the team would turn up sooner or later - particularly Owen. If plenty of other people here had returned from the dead, she figured, there was no reason why he couldn't, even if his body had been incinerated. There wasn't much of a sound scientific principle behind it, but there wasn't that much real science in Star Wars, anyway - she figured George Lucas probably just chalked everything up to the Force, much like the Jedi seemed to.

Tosh came to the front door of Jack and Ianto's flat, which looked identical to her own from the outside, and hesitated a moment before knocking.

☄torchwood: ianto jones, ☄torchwood: toshiko sato, ☄torchwood: jack harkness

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