(no subject)

Sep 15, 2010 22:59

Characters: Claire Bennet and open to anyone!
Location: A random street
Planet: Coruscant
When: Day 1
What: Exploring the city, meeting people, fun things like that
Rating: PG...?

As much as Claire wanted to stay inside because Peter asked her to, there was a large part of her that wouldn't ever be able to do what she was told. Sure, there was the small part of her that was guilty for slipping out of her apartment and out into the city, but that part was quieted by the much louder and larger part of her that wanted to find some answers on her own. And if she was truly stuck in the city, she needed to know the area, wanted to know where things were. She wasn't just going to let Peter do everything for her, not this time.

So she wandered the streets in her dress that Alice had brought over, barefoot and her hair a curly mess. With everyone else showing up being naked, she didn't think appearances were all that big of a deal, and didn't bother making herself look nice before stepping out.

She barely even registered the fact she didn't have shoes as she strode along the city streets, taking in the sights of the locals and the droids that were bustling about. There were all kinds of people, all colors of aliens, and she swore that she saw something that straight up looked like R2-D2. She followed it around for a while before growing bored, and went back to walking around aimlessly.

With Sylar running around, she was a little tense, but tried to not let her fear get the best of her. She knew that the prospect of bumping into him wasn't all that likely in a place so huge, but if he really wanted to get at her power...

The fear probably rolled off of her in waves as she thought of that, and she swallowed her guilt caused by sneaking out in the first place, and just continued along her way. Maybe she'd bump into someone who could point her in the direction of a library or something. Even a weird space planet had to have one of those, right?

☄syfy's alice: hatter, heroes: claire bennet

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