(no subject)

Feb 15, 2011 11:19

Characters: Kevin Flynn, openish
Location: Room D-4
Planet: Coruscant
When: Week 12
What: Flynn gets a visit from his, ah, wayward son
Rating: PG-13 (violence)

Flynn's dreams were troubled.

Flynn's dreams were troubled, and still in inverted color, although now that he was getting to see the light of day again, he thought that may start changing back. The light of day and his boy. Who had grown up so much from the days when they'd tossed stones in the ocean.

Yet there were other things that visited his dreams, and tonight it was one of those.

He could see Clu's first smile. Excited, trusting, his own smile mirrored back with perfect faith in him.

He could see the image of his face growing darker, sterner, in a different way from his own face as he grieved for Jordan. He could hear the words getting more curtailed, he could hear Tron's warnings, too, and still the wonder and brightness of the ISOs blinded him to the shadow growing in his best creation...

"But it wasn't quite so, was it."

Flynn's eyes snapped open, and sure enough, there was the familiar figure, outlined in the angry orange glow.

"Where is your disc, old man?"

"There are no discs here, Clu." Flynn kept his voice down.

"You're lying!" Clu didn't. He grabbed the front of his creator's shirt, and hauled him out of the bed. "You always lied. From the start. But I've had ENOUGH!" He had walked, dragging the older figure with him, and now he tossed him against the wall. Flynn's head thunked dully against the hard material, and he scrambled to get his foot under him while he fought the dizziness when it came.

To no avail. An orange-glowing booted leg kicked the bare ankles from under him. "I never lied to you, Clu--"

"You said," kick in the side of his stomach, as Flynn tried to move away from that wall. It was the wall to the room where Sam lived. He might not be home right now? But if he was, that was not the kind of sound he wanted his son to hear. "You said, we'll build the perfect system. You said I mattered. You said I was in charge. But you did not want perfection. You wanted your life outside, and you wanted those ... those blights on the existence of anything. And you took that power away from me-- I am not done with you."

And it was again that wall which Flynn hit again, this time his shoulder and hip, hard enough to rattle his teeth. "The ISOs were not something I could have foreseen, Clu. But I should have done bett--"

"You should have listened to me!" Gloved fist into the side of his chin, and Flynn was struggling to focus. "Now, you will listen to me. No running away. Nobody to save you."

He could fight back. Now that it wasn't that kind of a shock, Flynn could hit back. But he wasn't going to. It wasn't the program's fault, after all. It had been his fault and his alone. He should have made it possible for Clu to change, the way Tron could. But he'd been an idiot, thinking he'd known everything that might happen on the Grid. "I'm listening."

And he did listen, the poison that his creation had festered for centuries, pouring on him. In words and hits and kicks.

He was barely keeping his eyes open when finally Clu leaned above him. dragging him up from the floor by the front of his now bloodied shirt. "Where is your disc. You're not going to stop me now."

"There... are... no discs... here."

Thunk, his head went back on the floor, as Clu slammed his fist against the wall. "You lose, old man."

☄harry potter: luna lovegood, !open, tron: kevin flynn

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