Who needs a boyfriend~

Feb 10, 2011 00:21

Characters: Sam Flynn; So Open that if you don't tag, I'll hunt you down.
Location: Places :3 He has a lot of "dates" around the marketplace?
Planet: Corsucant
When: I AM LAZY. So...the week he arrived and also Blair meet-up?
What: Sight-seeing, shopping, exploring.
Rating: Shouldn't get over PGish?

[OOC: Everyone that Sam said he was going to meet up with, this can be that post :3 So if Claire wants to meet up to show him around, he will probably drag her off planet. Aqua, if you want to help him shop, this is your place to do it. Blair, he will take you shopping, too :D And I want all your tags. Mellie fails at opening with quick log, but tag me however you want 8D]

Sam pulled his shirt over his head and ran a hand through his hair. He was still having a hard time figuring all of this out. He was glad he had made a few connections who didn't seem to mind showing him around town. He'd been thrown into the middle of the grid and led around there quite easily. But here, here was a whole new ballpark. He wasn't sure what to think.

He grabbed the few credits the droid had spit out at him and left his room. "Here's hoping it isn't too hard to find people in this place."


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