(no subject)

Jan 14, 2012 23:49

Characters: Luke Skywalker & Padmé Naberrie Skywalker Amidala (closed).
Where: The parks.
Planet: Coruscant.
When: Backdated a bit.
What: Family bonding.
Rating: There may be a chance of teeth-rotting cuteness and ovary-exploding fluff. Maybe.

It might have only been a park, but it felt nice to be out in the sunlight again. She was excited to get the chance to speak with Luke, face to face. She had no doubt that he was her son now that she knew more about him. He resembled Anakin so much in appearance--it was remarkable.

All she wanted was to learn more about him. If they could build a relationship, no matter how small, then maybe she could make up for those years she wasn't there for him, especially now that he was on his own. She owed it to Beru, who had taken such care with him, to do the same now, but more importantly she owed it to him. He deserved to have someone he could turn to when everything seemed to turn on its head; she wouldn't try to be a mother yet, she'd just try to be a friend.

She kept River's words in her mind as she sat and waited for him. Padmé wasn't used to making mistakes, but she knew she would probably make them now. There was still so much about the future she didn't know, but at least she was trying. And she would continue to try as long as he gave her the chance.

star wars: padme amidala, star wars: luke skywalker

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