This Place Is A Prison, These People Aren't Your Friends

Jan 14, 2012 04:55

Characters: Lilah Morgan and Lindsey McDonald (closed)
Location: Lindsey's apartment
Planet: Coruscant
When: Forward-dating it to 1/16 to have it safely after any of the war stuff.
What: Lilah needs to ask Lindsey for a favor. But first she has to find him.
Rating: I'm going to put it at R just to be safe considering their past few interactions. Will add warnings if they come up.

It had been a few weeks since Lilah and Lindsey had actually talked to another. Since the night he broke into her apartment their almost weekly talks had completely stopped. And she had been mostly fine with that. Frankly? She had little to say to him.

But she had a problem. She had been struggling to teach herself the force and so far? It hadn't yielded much. And she knew someone (who she suspected to be Darla after the information she had drugged out of him) had been training him. Which meant she needed something from him.

Which she hated.

But the problem was he had moved. And he wasn't answering her calls. Which means she would have to have a little finesse about things. It wasn't hard to hire a few people to trail him from the senators office, no doubt he would notice if she did it herself. And after a few nights she knew for sure where he was living. A pricey way to go about things, but effective.

She didn't bother breaking in like he had (her sense of self preservation told her she shouldn't provoke him too much so soon) but instead resided outside of his door way, leaning against the wall until he came home. In her hand was an unopened bottle of bourbon. Not that she really thought he'd trust drinks from her anymore, but it was a familiar gesture if nothing else.

angel: lilah morgan, angel: lindsey mcdonald

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