May 30, 2005 17:50
+who is your best friend? too fam, Meggie, Jo, Matt, Mike...
+who do you like: likelike? huh...I wonder...
+who is your mom: Sue
+who owns your house: I don't know who owns the apartment building...I just pay the rent
+who bouqht the clothes you're wearinq: I physically bought them, but my mom payed for them
+who is at your house: Me, and I think my roomate is in her room
+who loves you: Hopefully the same people that I love
+who said heyy to you today: Mike, Jonathan, Jodi...oh, and I called Jo
+who are you talkinq to riqht now: no one, just filling this shit out
+who was your last kiss: My dad kissed me on the far as kisskiss...well...
+what town do you live in: I would hardly call San Francisco a "town"
+what are your pet peeves: people that think they know shit
+what are you wearinq: jeans, tank top, white blazer, gold hoop earrings
+what do your teeth look like: like teeth...they aren't gross...
+what are you doinq in an hour: laundry...blech
+what is your middle name: Taylor
+what is your deepest secret: My insecurities...few people know what they are...
+what is your boyfriend's/qirlfriend's name: don't assume I have one...
+what is your favorite thinq to do: perform
+what are you sittinq on: bed
+where are you riqht now: Bedroom
+where were you at 12 noon today:'s been a long weekend
+where is your toothbrush: in a toothbrush holder on the sink, in a purse, in my car...I like to always be prepared...
+where did you sleep last night: in my bed...
+where were you at 7 pm yesterday: inthe car comng back from my parents house
+where are your parents: in Butt Fuck Egypt...aka...Brentwood
+where did you put your bookbaq: In the trash...I graduated Bitches!
+where do you keep your socks: the sock drawer, but I really never wear them
+when will you qrow up: I fear, never...
+when are you qoinq to call your friends: When I feel like it..
+when did you qet home last niqht: 11:30...I called it quits early...
+when are you qoinq to stop takinq surveys: when I find something better to do..
+what was the last time you had a fruit smoothie: maybe like a month ago...
+when are you qettinq married: when I find the right person
+why are you takinq this: because I am putting off laundry
+why do fools fall in love: everyone should fall in love...
+why am i weird: WHo are you?
+why are you weird: Question of the century
+why are you wearinq what you're wearinq riqht now: because it's clean
+why did you fail that test: god, what are you, my mom?
+how do you know it's love: you relate everything to that person, you bring them up in EVERY conversation, and you ould sacrifice your own happiness for their happiness but would never let them do the same.
+how do you fix your hair: usually flat iron
+how many hours do you spend on the computer: how many hours DON't I spend on the computer is the question
+how many TV shows do you watch: I don't really..
+how did you find this survey: It was on MySpace...Angelo posted it
+how many people are livinq with you: 1 other
+how often do you say i love you: not as often as i feel it.