ROUND 6: Beta claims (OPEN)

Jul 12, 2016 22:41

Hello! Apologies for the delay of this post; yours truly (I) have had limited computer internet access in the past several weeks. Excuses aside, here is the beta claiming post.

Claiming is OPEN.

- List the top 2 fic you would like to beta the most, and you will be assigned to one or the other.
- This is on a first come, first serve basis.
- Claimed fic will be marked.
- There will be lag for this post's updates on which fic are claimed and which aren't (but, as there are not many fic, it shouldn't take long.)
- Please choose wisely; you cannot change after you have submitted your comment.
- We will email you your assignment, and your author's username and contact info as soon as we have an assignment per your claim.

Pairing or featured characters: sean parker, eduardo saverin, sean/wardo--the main things but other charactrs are definitely going to make appearances!
Short summary of plot: canon divergent! sean parker invests in facebook, but isn't involved in any of the drama? (there may be less eduardo and mark drama.) sean parker is convrting to judaism! he runs into eduardo! sparks fly, but also, a little drama. i'm seanwardo garbage i'm sorry
Warnings/additional tags: there will be some drama and fighting but not too bad idt. i'm not sure there will even be smut!

Pairing or featured characters: mark/eduardo
Short summary of plot: ex machina au, with an additional fix-it half. the first half follows the events of the movie (with minor modifications to fit the characters: sean=nate, mark=ava, eduardo=caleb), the second half deviates. you don't need to have watched the movie to understand it!
Warnings/additional tags: probably mild gore and some ptsd themes

Pairing or featured characters: Mark/Eduardo for now. Also includes mentions of Eduardo/Others, Mark/Others.
Short summary of plot: an immortals au where eduardo and mark have more memories of each other than they do of their biological families. Where they're hundreds of years old, but Mark hasn't changed one bit, and Eduardo is still dangerously human. Then facebook and the deposition happen and Eduardo and Mark both learn new things about each other.
Warnings/additional tags: nothing just yet. might be an r rating.


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