ROUND 6: Check In #1

Jun 10, 2016 00:19

Hello! It's time for our first check-in :) Be sure to check this round's rules and info post if you have any questions; otherwise, feel free to contact us.

This post is CLOSED.

Fill out the form below in a comment. All comments are screened! If you do not respond to this check-in, we will assume that you have dropped out.

Still in?
How is your work coming along?
Anything else?
Additional comments/questions:

Do you need a beta?
If so, please provide the following information about your fic: (if not, you may submit your comment)
Pairing or featured characters:
Short summary of plot:
Warnings/additional tags:

The beta claiming post will go live on 25 JUNE as soon as this post closes. Do not need to leave a comment on this post, just sit tight and wait till then :)

You don't need to check-in; just sit tight and wait for art claims!

round 6, admin, check-in, authors

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