Hi authors, it's already time for your first check-in! Checking in by filling out the below template in a comment is mandatory, which means we need to hear from you, or we'll assume you have dropped out. (If you have decided to drop out, we'd still appreciate it if you could send us a quick line so we know for sure and won't try to contact you to
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How is your progress going? it's... going. uh. yeah. ok.
Everything okay with your beta (you should have made contact by now)? all good
Anything we should know? i just finished moving cross country and then i sorted out some plans for visits from friends and it turns out i'm going to have people visiting pretty much non-stop all summer? which is great except it doesn't leave a lot of time for writing so i might [emphasis on MIGHT at the moment] have to drop out. i have a solid week of nothing but free time right now though so if i can make enough progress it will all be fine. may the force be with me.
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