Round 4 Artist Claims - CLOSED

Sep 07, 2013 00:01

Claiming is now closed!

Welcome, artists, your time has finally come! Before you can lay claim to a fic (or more than one), please read the following instructions carefully.
  • You claim a fic by leaving a comment listing the top three stories that you most would like to create art for, and will then be assigned the first story available from your top three. I'll confirm claims in the comments and edit the claims post to mark fic as claimed, but there is due to be a lag while I am busy editing and confirming the first claims, respectively won't be online constantly for the 48-hour-long claiming period, so take care to check the other comments too.
  • Fic claims are on a first come, first serve basis. The timestamp of your comment will be used for this - please note that editing comments messes with their timestamps, so if you made a mistake in your comment, you might want to reply to it instead of editing to correct it, to avoid getting bumped back in the line of claims.
  • If you won't be able to claim yourself, you can appoint a proxy to claim for you. Please send us an email beforehand, so we know that your proxy is authorized to claim in your name, and ask them to preface their comment with 'Claims list of [your username] for easier assignment.
  • Please choose wisely, there will be no take-backs.
  • To begin with, you can only claim fic that hasn't previously been claimed. Once all fics have been claimed once, you may claim on previously claimed fics. Secondary claiming will be announced at the top of the post. Fics that have been claimed once will be denoted with bolding. Fics that have been claimed twice will be denoted with bolding and underline. Any fics that get claimed three times will be denoted with bolding, underline, and strikethrough. Please check the other comments when you're claiming. If there should be enough interest for further claiming, we won't open for it until all fic has been claimed at least twice.
  • You may claim more than one fic, and we encourage you to, but, as not every artist can be online when claiming opens, please hold off on claiming more than one fic until either 03:00 a.m. CET, or until every fic has been claimed once, whichever happens first.
  • Claiming will presumably close on Monday, at 12 p.m. CET, i.e. midnight from Monday to Tuesday, though we might extend the claiming period if there is interest.
  • Within 24 hours after claiming closes, you will receive an email with your author(s) contact information, and they one with yours, and it will be up to you to get in touch, receive your draft from them, and decide on how you want to handle your collaboration.
Now, without further ado:

Fic list:

#01 - claimed by: vertrauen, laenix
(Working) Title: Where Are You Going, and Where Have You Been?
Pairings: Divya/Tyler/Cameron, Divya/Tyler, Divya/Cameron, Tyler/Cameron, Divya+OMC, Tyler/OMC, Cameron/OFC, onesided Cameron/Mark, Divya+Mark friendship
Rating: R
Warnings: Sibling incest, infidelity, underage drinking (of the college variety), liberties with canon timeline and events (including things that have happened in real time, i.e. Cameron’s arrest), legal nonsense.
Summary: “[...]Because this is what the two of you do to people. You don’t care, Tyler. Neither of you. Not you. Not Cameron.” (Also known as a really long self-indulgent story about how Divya Narendra misadventures with the Winklevoss twins, Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook, and everything else in between.)

#02 - claimed by: speak_me_fair, skyearth85
(Working) Title: The Heliopause
Pairings: Christy/Erica, Mark/Eduardo
Rating: PG
Warnings: Violence
Summary: Christy Lee is the best cadet pilot the Upper Atmos Academy ever taught - or she would have been, had she not killed five people and been immediately sentenced to life on a Uranian penal colony. Or, it would have been life if Atmos hadn't found themselves in need of cannon fodder for the fast developing Fuel Wars.

#03 - claimed by: stormsover
(Working) Title: Once upon a dream
Pairings: Andrew/Jesse
Rating: probably PG
Warnings: Character death, though only in one of three universes. On the one hand it's unreasonably fluffy fluff, and on the other it's really not-fair angst. Choose a hand.
Summary: Andrew woke up alone in bed. His memories of his life partner faded away as he described him to his friends, trying to find out where he is. When he resigns himself to believe the guy only lived in his imagination, he finds him. Just in time to lose him again.
A bit of sci-fi in a sea of unbelievable fluff and bad writing, oh, and a cool new career for Andrew.

#04 - claimed by: badsketches, laenix
(Working) Title: Stuck Compass
Pairings: Eduardo/Lisbeth Salander, past Eduardo/Mark
Rating: R
Warnings: fleeting misogynistic comments, non-explicit references to miscarriage
Summary: Continuation of Splash Page. Lisbeth & Mark continue to spar, only Eduardo is no longer oblivious. Their rivalry gets increasingly ugly, resulting in damage and loss that makes all three of them back up and decide who they are, what they want, and how they will go forward.

#05 - claimed by: sweetmadness379, skyearth85
(Working) Title: Sceptical (with a side of cynicism)
Pairings: Mark/Eduardo
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Violence, swearing
Summary: A Chuck AU. Mark gets a government super computer uploaded into his head, and it's all thanks to Eduardo Saverin - who Mark hasn't spoken to since Eduardo got Mark kicked out of Harvard five years previously. (Mark is still the CEO of Facebook, but pretty much everyone else is a Secret Agent. Except for Sean.) Obligatory Female OC assistant character in a minor role. Divya Narenda is our bad guy with cameos from the Winklevii.

#06 - claimed by: serenatechair, branquignole, stormsover
(Working) Title: House of Cards
Pairings: Mark/Eduardo
Rating: NC-17 or explicit
Warnings: None
Summary: (Very loosely inspired by Now You See Me.) Mark, Dustin, Chris, Christy, and Erica are independent criminals recruited by a mysterious organization to work together and frame renowned businessman and millionaire Eduardo Saverin for leading a criminal organization. Mark’s job is to seduce the target, win his trust, and get him to invest in a self-built website that covertly doubles as a method of disseminating information to a criminal network, further linking Eduardo to criminal activities. However, the situation is more complicated than Mark expected, and not everything is as it seems…

#07 - claimed by:, sweetmadness379, badsketches
(Working) Title: Boy Next Door
Pairings: Mark/Eduardo (disguised as Erica/Eduardo at times), Dustin/Erica (yeah…)
Rating: Probably Teen? Maybe Mature I’m not sure yet.
Warnings: The world’s most awkward masturbation scene, language (including some crude descriptions of sex)
Summary: Erica is oddly fascinated with the mysterious, and attractive, boy who just moved in next to her. Why does he come and go at such strange times? Who is he always having frantic midnight phone calls with? What’s up with his weird redheaded friend who won’t leave Erica alone? Most importantly, can Erica escape her overbearing older sister for long enough to help two idiots admit they’re in love and maybe have a life of her own at some point?

#08 - claimed by: citiesandstars, tantamoq, badsketches
(Working) Title: Summer of Love
Pairings: Jesse/Andrew. Andrew/OMC. Andrew/Carey Mulligan
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: RPF. Homophobia. Male-male sex
Summary: A 1960s RPF AU in which Jesse is a burgeoning playwright and Andrew a bright new actor on his way to a film career. Cue the angst, yall, as Andrew navigates the tumultuous waters of fame, sexuality, and love.

#09 - claimed by: mesmerized_mia, sweetmadness379, badsketches
(Working) Title: Stages of Smooth Pursuit
Pairings: Mark/Eduardo
Rating: probably PG-13, but please heed the warnings
Warnings: Some violence and gore, consent issues (someone being assaulted and consequently turned into a werewolf without their consent, stalkerish behavior, continued invasions of personal space and non-sexual physical contact after being told no), child abuse, mention of off-screen parental murder or possibly suicide.
Summary: Mark is attacked by an animal on the way home, and then offered 'help' by the stranger following in the fled animal's wake, who tells Mark he was bitten by a werewolf. As Mark struggles to adapt to the new abilities and instincts rising within him, he takes Sean up on his offer of guidance, and agrees to help him try and find the alpha that turned them both. But Mark wouldn't mind being a werewolf that much if it weren't for the inconvenience of his now supernaturally-powered baser instincts having fixated on Eduardo Saverin. He might not be out of Mark's league anymore, thanks to his new athletic abilities having catapulted Mark to the top of the school's social ladder, but turns out to be the Juliet to Mark's Romeo, coming from a family of werewolf hunters, and despite knowing how that story ended for everybody involved, Mark can't bring himself to stay away from Eduardo.

#10 - claimed by: mao_square, speak_me_fair
(Working) Title: Call & Response
Pairings: Mark/Eduardo
Rating: PG-13 (for depictions of horror? maybe?)
Warnings: Character death, but they start out that way, so “spiritual peril,” I suppose.
Summary: Based on the novel/film What Dreams May Come. Death is absolute, but what happens next is as malleable as the mind allows. Which is why Eduardo refuses to accept Mark’s fate, trapped by his own judgment to a reality in which all of his worst fears are truth. Mark has weighed his soul and found it lacking, but Eduardo vows to save him from hell - even if it means losing himself along the way.

#11 - claimed by: tantamoq. savetomorrow
(Working) Title: Timeline
Pairings: Mark/Eduardo
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Some mild violence, implied sex [though no actual sex?? How did that happen?], a sometimes silly amount of swearing and most importantly, major character death, though it’s not really a main plot point
Summary: Eduardo used to think that Mark was like a planet whose gravity kept pulling him in. Now he knows that Mark is more like a sun that he is orbiting. He is a constant. There was never anything else to pull him away from. The Time Traveler’s Wife AU.

#12 - claimed by: celestial_nav, skyearth85, badsketches
(Working) Title: I Might Fear I Go
Pairings: Mark/Eduardo, Chris/Dustin
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Minor character death, war flashbacks and vague imagery
Summary: When the First Marine Division is pulled out of Guadalcanal and sent to Melbourne, Australia, Mark Zuckerberg expected to write, rest, and recuperate--the last thing he expected was to fall in love. (A Pacific AU, of sorts.)

#13 - claimed by: laenix, mesmerized_mia
(Working) Title: you're a dead fit (but my wit won't allow it)
Pairings: Sean/Eduardo, hinted/implied Chris/Dustin
Rating: E; there are a handful of smut scenes
Warnings: Canon divergent with a few post-divergent things still incorporated. Everyone ends in Palo Alto but there's no Sean Parker at that point so account freezings + dilutions never happen. Smut! General assholery because this is TSN and some things never change.
Summary: Things Eduardo Saverin has learned include: 1) Don't date people who set your apartment on fire. 2) Mark will never have too much caffeine. 3) Don't walk into coffee shops named Latterrific because once you meet the owner, Sean Parker (yes, that one), you can give up on digging him out from under your skin.

#14 - claimed by: guddamee
(Working) Title: a million ways to bleed (but you by far are my favourite)
Pairings: Mark/Eduardo, (Minor) Chris/Sean & Dustin/Alice
Rating: According to AO3 ratings, Teen and Up, since I am horrible at writing smut
Warnings: Mentions of abortion, homophobia and rape, and a character with PTSD
Summary: Here's the thing, Mark doesn't need a keeper. He has enough already, and then he meets Eduardo in a coffee house at 10 pm. It only goes uphill from there. Kidfic.

#15 - claimed by: princewardo, vertrauen
(Working) Title: weigh up your options (when you have no choice)
Pairings: Mark/Eduardo
Rating: R for now
Warnings: Injury, AU(Soccer) Crossover (Football RPF)
Summary: Riding on the crest of the wave of David Beckham's $250m arrival at LA Galaxy, Peter Thiel decides to create a new team for the MLS: the Palo Alto Redwoods, or the PAR (and you don't want to know what the opposition chant at them). He finds it's not as simple as it originally looked on paper. The World Cup's coming up mid-season. Everyone despises the publicity manager (apart from Thiel's assistant coach, who prefers to be called 'assistant manager' and carries every statistic known to man in his head but has the interpersonal abilities of a wasp on crack)-- and who ever heard of paying $30m for an injury-prone Brazilian defender who's rarely been off the bench anyway?

Please note: LJ-specific problems are an unfortunately timed complication that might happen. LJ has been having some problems with a DDoS attack and may be slow or inaccessible for short periods of time. If you have trouble leaving a comment, try refreshing the page, or coming back later.

admin, round 4, artists

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