Backlogged: Mischief Maker on Board [Closed]

Aug 21, 2008 23:49

Characters: Miles Edgeworth and Matilda Wormwood
Content: The decision to keep Matilda under close watch aboard the Victoria has made, and so she arrives to meet the First Mate and get settled.
Setting: The Victoria II
Time: A Day or two after Lunansa
Warnings: None

It felt like she was walking up the steps to the gallows. Matilda felt that she should ( Read more... )

miles edgeworth, ≠ matilda wormwood

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Comments 14

edge_of_honor August 23 2008, 19:43:15 UTC
And here was the little trouble maker ( ... )


minorbook August 24 2008, 03:15:33 UTC
The two men bowed their heads slightly to Edgeworth. Coelho gave Matilda the small trunk he had been carrying, and the two left after quick and curt farewells. Matilda stared after them, unable to help the slightly miffed feeling the bubbled within her chest. After all these years that was all they had to give her. Her eyes stayed on them for a little longer than necessary, before she finally made forced herself to look at Edgeworth, her eyes having to travel a ways up to meet his ( ... )


edge_of_honor August 24 2008, 18:09:10 UTC
Edgeworth waited for the group to finish their goodbyes (which didn't take very long) and for Matilda to gather herself (which took slightly longer; Edgeworth wasn't sure if this reflected more on the girl or the teachers).

"And good morning to you, Ms. Wormwood." His head bowed down slightly as he greeted her, and when he rose, he glanced briefly at her suitcase. He quickly decided it was small enough for her to handle on her own, and continued. "Please, follow me, and I'll show you to your cabin."


minorbook August 25 2008, 04:09:28 UTC
She nodded, crossing her arms in front of her so she could carrythe trunk in both hands. It really wasn't much. Mostly just clothes so that she would have things to wear before she was able to get more herself. Sadly, Matilda hadn't been able to bring back any of the books she wanted, since they were all property of the Academy. She imagined her reading time would be taking a definite drop. She was sure the Victoria had its fair share of books, but it was finite, and with all the traveling it did, she probably wouldn't be able to rent some from anywhere ( ... )


edge_of_honor August 30 2008, 18:38:05 UTC
Edgeworth led her below the deck, and walked briskly through the corridors. He slowed his usually brisk pace, just enough for her to keep up, and continued to walk as he thought on how to answer her question. There was the official explanation, as well as his own suspicions, but that wouldn't do; he couldn't just tell her "you're on our ship because they don't know how to deal with you. Congratulations, you're somebody else's problem now."

"I suppose you're here because it's safe," he said. That much was true, but he couldn't help but wonder, safe for who? Edeworth pushed this thought aside, an continued. "And they want to see how you handle yourself outside of the school. You have potential, Ms. Wormwood, and I doubt they want it to go to waste." That was another half truth. She did have potential for great things, and one of the things the Victoria II was known for was turning hard cases into something useful.

Or getting rid of them entirely. Edgeworth hoped that they wanted the former.


minorbook September 2 2008, 20:25:20 UTC
As Edgeworth talked, Matilda took the time to get a good luck at where they were headed. The Victoria certainly didn't look like much of an airship from the inside. She supposed that was done so on purpose, it looked quite stately and well furnished, comparable to the Academy, even ( ... )


edge_of_honor September 4 2008, 03:54:33 UTC
There were no more questions from the girl, and Edgeworth was content to walk in silence. He continued like this for some time, his boots hitting against he metal in a slow, steady rhythm, until he stopped suddenly in front of one of the cabins. One hand clutched the satchel while the other one pulled out a set of keys, and after he spent a moment struggling with the lock, he swung the door open to reveal a small, scant, almost barren cabin.

"This is where you'll be staying," he said, "for as long as you're on the ship, assuming your circumstances don't change. I'm afraid it isn't much, but it should have everything you need." Such as a place to sleep, and ...well, there wasn't anything besides the cot, really, but he supposed that a smaller desk could be stuffed in there, depending on what sort of studies they wanted her to do.


minorbook September 20 2008, 18:15:27 UTC
Matilda stepped into the room and looked around. It was definitely much different than what she had become use to in The Academy, but that was alright. She rarely ever used her room to be honest, since she spent most of her time in the library and in classes.

She looked around the room. It was pretty devoid of anything, but maybe if she could get some boxes in here she could begin to slowly start a neat collection of her own books. It would be nice to actually own them for once, so she could go back to them whenever she wanted.

She nodded and turned to Edgeworth, bowing and giving him her thanks. She figured she might as well ask, just in case she was wrong "There wouldn't happen to be any "Libraries, storages of books, or archives...anything like that on board, would there?"


edge_of_honor September 20 2008, 18:29:58 UTC
"I'm afraid not," he said. "Other than some technical manuals and medical texts, the only books we have are what passengers or crewmembers bring for themselves."

Edgeworth paused for a moment, and added, "However, for the time being, we do have something to keep you occupied. Think of this as a project of sorts."
He then stepped into the room, just close enough to hand her the satchel he had been carrying. This would have to do until he received further instructions on what to do with the girl.


minorbook September 20 2008, 18:46:19 UTC
Ah, well then it seemed she would have to ask around until she could somehow manage to get her own. But there were plenty of people on board, surely they had some interesting reads.

Matilda perked up now, curiosity getting the better of her. She set down her trunk and took the satchel from him. It wasn't too heavy, but more than she had expected and she carefully opened it up. Inside were two large books, much to her pleasure. More than that, though was a journal, and several quills and ink bottles.

She studied the blank book and writing utensils for a while before carefully putting them back inside the satchel so she could look at the books he had given her more carefully. They were both history books; not a topic she had focused on as much as math and science back at the Academy, but that made her all the more interested in them.

She smiled up at Edgeworth, finally beginning to look cheery and hugged the books to her chest "Thank you! Do you want me to be able to surmise them?"


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