Bah, humbug, a little less Lunasa cheer [Closed - Complete]

Aug 18, 2008 13:40

Characters: Edgeworth, Ffamran
Content: Lunasa gifts and surly Commanders.
Setting: Edgeworth's Office (again)
Time: Two days before Lunasa
Warnings: Nothing, unless you count men in cravats.

Bottle of whiskey tucked under his arm, Ffamran made his way over to the Commander's office. Although he knew that some people preferred to offer their Lunasa gifts more impersonally, Ffamran had always been one to enjoy giving gifts in person. It was still two days before Lunasa proper, but Ffamran was never one to leave that sort of thing to the last minute.

His main concern was actually that the Commander would find the gift presumptuous. Ffamran had noted Edgeworth kept whiskey around in his office, although he'd only ever noted it during the storm, and Ffamran hoped the Commander would appreciate the gift. Besides he wanted to thank the Commander for being someone he could talk to about the things going on with his father, even if he couldn't bring himself to tell the whole story to anyone yet.

He knocked on the door to Edgeworth's office, hoping he wasn't interrupting anything.

miles edgeworth, ≠ ffamran bunansa

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