Well, SHIT. [Open]

Aug 18, 2008 00:40

Characters: Isako and anyone on the 4423
Content: The 4423 is flooding. Oh, and falling. The crew desperately tries to get her back in order.
Setting: The 4423
Time: oh shit o'clock
Warnings: Swearing because OH SHIT GAIZ THE SHIP IS FLOODING.
Notes: Feel free to make smaller threads here as characters take on different tasks. For example: trying ( Read more... )

≠ tira, anko mitarashi, ≠ fai delwyn flowright, reno harkin, ≠ knuckles guardian, ≠ vaan asterben, ≠ maxim, ≠ heihachi hayashida, daisukenojo "beat" bito, ≠ hijikata toshizou, ≠ lavi, ≠ minami "ikki" itsuki, ≠ ling yao / greed, ≠ gorobei katayama, ≠ shimada kambei, okita souji, ≠ yuuko "isako" amasawa, ≠ axel harkin, ≠ winry rockbell, ≠ brook, ≠ akima tanaka, ≠ hachibei maeda

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Location: Ye olde flooded corridor, somewhere on the bottom level. smiling_samurai August 18 2008, 05:19:44 UTC
The shock of coming down the stairs and finding himself standing in a foot of water had quickly melted from numb disbelief to brief panic to grim determination. After firing off a quick report to the crew on his findings he slipped his journal back into his pack and set out to find the source of the problem.

The most bizarre thing was how quickly and quietly it had all happened. He and Souji had scoured the ship before leaving Berum and they hadn't found anything wrong with the pipes. No strange noises, no leaks, not even rust on the pipes that might hint at oncoming fractures in the metal. It was already so high, but if something catastrophic had happened it should have been loud. An explosion might explain this much water, but there hadn't been any warning until the ship started slowing down.

Something was not right, but he would worry about that later. For now he had to find where all this water was coming from.

[OOC: Heihachi is hunting for leaks, and would be more than happy for help as he a) is short and b) can't swim.]


Re: Location: Ye olde flooded corridor, somewhere on the bottom level. karasu_ikki August 18 2008, 05:37:21 UTC
Water. All over the damn place. But Ikki had a job to do! Yup, he was riding his Air Trecks down the hallway at the moment, but stopped when he noticed all the water. So, he just yelled. "YO! Anyone down here better get your ass to the deck, we're flooding like hell!"

Hmm, that wasn't as good as he could do, he knew that. He looked at water rising up near his feet, scratching his head for a moment. Then a little light bulb went off in his head. "I got it!" With a little grin on his face Ikki rubbed his hands together. Taking in a deep breath he pointed his hands at the water. From the negative space created by pressing his hands together Ikki was able to push the water with a blast of air aimed right at the water. A good deal of the water sprayed up and down the hall, giving Ikki the chance to let out someone who was stuck in a door that wouldn't open because of the water.

Oh yeah, Ikki was real proud of himself, saving someone like that. Hopefully no one was in the way of the water he pushed thought.

[ You can do whatever you ( ... )


Location: A water!sploding corridor on the bottom level. o_O smiling_samurai August 18 2008, 06:56:17 UTC
Heihachi was slogging forward through the belly of the ship, wondering how the water could be up to his knees already when he heard the distant sound of someone's voice calling down the corridor. Despite the urgency of his mission, he paused, trying to figure out who it was and where it was coming from. The water was distorting any sound, and his hearing was still unconsciously tuned to the distant sound of splashing water, though now he could hear something much louder and much closer…

He was entirely unprepared when a flood of water suddenly gushed from one of the branching paths ahead of him, and though the wave was barely waist high it still knocked him off his feet. With a surprised yelp he skidded back a few feet, landing hard on his knees, but more dazed than really harmed. What was that all about?

[OOC:..She? XD Heihachi's cross-dressing shenanigans have clearly gone too far!]


Re: Location: A water!sploding corridor on the bottom level. o_O karasu_ikki August 19 2008, 00:00:44 UTC
A yelp? Did the bird brain hear a yelp? He thought he did. And so he waded through the water calling out, "Hey, someone need help down here?" as he did. When he made it to a branch he took a guess at where the noise had come from and started down it.

A quick thought of the time he had been gone gave him somewhere between 6 and 7 minutes before Gorobei would be pissed and come looking for him. So that meant he had better hurry. And what a better way to hurry than with his AT's.

So he grabbed on the nearest pipe from the ceiling, shook his feet free from water, then kicked down on the wall. From then on it was an easy game of keeping his balance(what with a little magic help from his Air Trecks) until he noticed a figure in the middle of the hall. Jumping back into the water with a splash, he wondered who it was.

"Hey, you alright?" he asked, scratching his head. He couldn't think of the guy's name.

[ Ahaha, sorry 'bout that. Got too enthralled reading the cross-dressing thread I guess! ]


Location: A water!sploding corridor on the bottom level. smiling_samurai August 19 2008, 00:41:09 UTC
Heihachi smiled sheepishly, and he climbed back to his feet, shaking water from his coat. "I'm fine."

He'd learned the names and faces of most people on the ship by now, though this person was someone he hadn't really spoken to. "Ikki, isn't it? What are you doing down here? Everyone should be evacuating to the upper levels."

He glanced down at the water, wondering if it was going to rise up and attack again. "What was that wave just now? Did you open a door or something?" That was the only explanation he could think for it.


Re: Location: A water!sploding corridor on the bottom level. karasu_ikki August 19 2008, 02:36:50 UTC
A sly smile from the boy as he waded through the water a bit more. Really, all this water was irritating him now, but he liked to be recognized. He'd much rather enjoy the open sky than a cramped hall filled with water.

"Yeah, that's me," he said, pointing at himself. "Gorobei sent me down to look for any stragglers, you should head up top unless you're working down here," he said, completely oblivious to the other's rank on the ship. Not that it mattered. He wanted to people to know he had a job to do.

"A pipe burst back that way," he said looking behind him. Yeah, better not say it was him.


Location: Flooding corridor on the bottom level. smiling_samurai August 19 2008, 02:49:42 UTC
He was glad to hear that Gorobei was keeping things organised up above. "I'm Heihachi, one of the mechanics. How big was the pipe that broke? I'm trying to find where all this water's coming from. We must have a major breach somewhere."

Although the shudders in the ship might have knocked other things loose, but if it was only a small leak he wouldn't concern himself with it. He needed to find the big one.

"When you go back up, can you tell Gorobei that I'm doing fine, and that the main pipe in the forward section is sound? The problem must be closer to engine. I'm heading that way now."


Re: Location: Flooding corridor on the bottom level. karasu_ikki August 19 2008, 03:04:16 UTC
Ah crap. Couldn't it just have been some pretty girl needing saving? He would have much rathered that.

"It was somewhere back there. Not sure, I was just worried about someone stuck in their room," he said, this time not lying.

"Alright, the old man probably wants me to check in, so I'm gonna run up and see him," Ikki said giving her a little salute. "Make sure you fix this bird so we can keep flying!" And off he went! WHOOOSH.


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