A Mild Inconvenience [Closed]

Aug 04, 2008 02:02

Characters: Ffamran Bunansa and Miles Edgeworth
Content: Thanks to an embarrassing phobia, the recent storms have made Edgeworth irritable. Ffamran has to deal with him regardless. Hijinks ensue!
Setting: The principle's office Edgeworth's cabin, while docked in Melior
Time: Sometime in the afternoon, during the beginning of one of the storms
Warnings: Phobias, freakouts, and Ffamran's self esteem being used as a punching bag

Edgeworth hated the rain.

On some level, it was understandable. While in the skies, a mild drizzle could turn into a ferocious squall, and spell the doom for any ship caught in the storm's path. However, a sailor and an officer (especially one with his amount of experience) should be well equipped to deal with any danger his ship faced. He shouldn't crumple into a ball like a broken child at the merest hint of thunder.

Edgeworth gripped his pen, and scowled at the papers on his desk. No, it wasn't the rain he hated, it was what came with it. The winds and the rain could come down all they liked, and he'd bear it with barely a crack in his cold mask. It was the thunder he despised. The quietest rumble could freeze him to the spot, while the loudest burst would fill him with nothing but panic. It's been fifteen years since the incident in the lift, but it seemed that he was still chained to that disgusting, childish fear.

Despite this, though, he had a few things to be grateful for. Thanks to careful timing, planning, and no small amount of luck on his part, only a handful of people on the ship knew his secret; of that number, only the von Karmas knew the cause, and he doubted they'd talk about it any time soon. Not only that, with the crew on shore leave, he was relatively free from his duties. Most of them would still find excuses to leave the ship, weather be damned, which allowed him some privacy. He may not be able to control his reaction to the storm, but at the very least, nobody else had to see him lose his composure.

With that thought in mind, Edgeworth gave the paperwork one last glance, and wondered if he should dig through his old books or blackmail Hijikata into getting one for him. He wouldn't be able to get anything new in this weather, but he needed something to keep his mind busy when he was done with his work.

miles edgeworth, ≠ ffamran bunansa

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