One issue after another [OPEN]

Jul 22, 2008 18:08

Characters: Harry, anyone on the Winding Way
Content: After his call out for anyone who was at the peace talks, Harry tries to NOT blow up his quarters
Setting: Harry's room
Time: Day after the peace talks
Warnings: Foul mouthed wizarding

Things were not going well for one Harry Dresden. He was used to this.

What he WASN'T used to was his magic going more and more haywire as the day went on.

Ever since he had joined the Winding Way, he had noticed his talents getting a little... quirky. A small fire there. A magic hiccup here. But nothing he couldn't blow off as pure bad luck. Now he wasn't so sure.

The fire had started out as the beginings of a tracking spell. Something to use against those who had killed the deligates so messily, if he was luckey.

Now half his work table was covered in a pretty purple fire. He didn't even know that was POSSIBLE.

"Shhhiitttt..." He hissed, beating at the flames with his blanket, and hoping he could put it out before the Captain found out.

≠ harry dresden, ≠ carol danvers

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