Once more, with feeling... [Closed]

Jul 20, 2008 22:00

Characters: Beat, Winry
Content: Beat trys to make up for his asshole-ish behavior over the journals
Setting: Deck of the 4423
Time: Early evening, day after the peace talks and this
Warnings: None as of yet

The sun was going down, and with it everyone's grand hopes for peace.

Beat leaned on his elbows agaisnt the ships railing, watching the sky and feeling rather shitty with life in general.

He had started getting over his freak-out over the massacure, but this dark mood just wouldn't leave. Still, he needed to make up for any problems his ranting had caused the night before.

Like randomly playing sing-along on a public journal, and being a royal dick to Winry.

He sighed, burying his hands under his bandanna and waiting for Winry to arrive, so he could applogize. No-one needed extra stress, not right now.

daisukenojo "beat" bito, ≠ winry rockbell

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