Characters: Kaoru and you!
Content: I promised an open log with this social failget over here months ago, and, well, there's no time like the present. Kaoru's all over the ship, trying to sort out her thoughts.
Setting: Around Serenity
Time: After the boxes have been opened
Warnings: Existentialism, nihilism, moral questions, and a very strange
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On the other hand, her job left her with little to do until one of the clank parts actually broke out of its box and threatened something. Sitting on one of the crates and listening to its contents flop around once in a while was not a very interesting way to pass the time, so she was more than usually willing to start a conversation when someone stopped by the cargo hold.
"Hi dere, keed."
She gestured at the crate. "Dese tings gets awfully borink after a vhile."
"Haz hyu?"
She gave the crate a considering look.
"Must be a pretty schtupid ting if it ken't help goink on about destroyink tings vhile in pieces und locked up in boxes, huh?"
She turned back to Kaoru. "So, how iz hyu job goink?"
Jenka didn't know what it was, but she still thought it had the potential to turn out much more interesting than the boxed clank, which was unlikely to ever manage to do anything.
"Iz not like Hy hazn't seen a clenk before. Iz a pretty nize vun, sure. Und Hy dunno vhy it's turned on."
"Dey'z de Heterodyne family, beck on de Badlands/Vohemar border," she explained. There was no reason not to talk about them. Especially the dead ones. "Mad scientists. Dey likes inventink strange tings, terrorizing pipples, gettink into a var or two zumtimes, dot kind ov ting. Gots a Jägermonster army beck in Mechanicsburg." She wasn't sure if that was the kind of thing Kaoru wanted to know, so she stopped talking and waited to see if she'd comment.
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