It's nothing... [open]

Feb 12, 2011 17:17

Characters: Kaoru and you!
Content: I promised an open log with this social failget over here months ago, and, well, there's no time like the present. Kaoru's all over the ship, trying to sort out her thoughts.
Setting: Around Serenity
Time: After the boxes have been opened
Warnings: Existentialism, nihilism, moral questions, and a very strange young weapon of mass destruction who still wants cake and presents.

Kaoru didn't care. She really didn't. Any time she may or may not have spent thinking about the mysterious crates, the weapon inside them, its apparent wish to put itself together and destroy something-or-other, or especially the unfavourable reaction the crew had to discovering that something on their ship was a living weapon with a directive to destroy anything in its path... well, any time spent thinking about that was completely coincidental, because she did not care.

After all, if she cared, she wouldn't be going about her regular business, waking up, making the rounds of the ship, doing odd jobs that she'd normally glare at people for involving her in, eating (normal people ate lunch, so she ate lunch -- that was the only reason why, nothing about liking it, really), checking the journal network, and standing out on the deck to look at the sky and feel the wind when there was nothing else to do. (She also wouldn't be periodically checking on the boxes to make sure they weren't putting themselves together yet, either. After all, she was only doing that because this thing was a complete failure to be blowing its cover so easily, and that was it.)

So things were normal for Kaoru as she wandered the ship, as normal as they got for a pale, odd-eyed, monotone-voiced fourteen-year-old girl who slept in the infirmary and was preoccupied with fate.


hisoka kurosaki, shi ryuuki, malcolm reynolds, kiryuu kaoru

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