Characters: Orihime [
power-of_heart] and Adachi [
Content: A house call~
Setting: Adachi's cabin oshi-
Time: An hour or so after
this post.
Warnings: Adachi, possible mystic woo-woo idk.
I'll bring the drugs, you got the... wait this is legal never mind )
He'd been dealing with head aches nonstop for the past year now, ever since his transfer. Small ones, for the most part. He blamed it on the Tulgim mines nearby and all the junk that must be in the air because of it. But this one was bad. He couldn't recall a time when it was this intense and unbearable.
"Y-Yeah, the door's locked. Sorry, just a second!" he exclaimed. Great, need to get up.
It only took a few seconds before the door was opened with Adachi standing behind it, with a palm to his forehead. "Er...thanks for coming," he greeted with a weak, forced smile.
She laid five or six boxes out on a small bedside table, where he could see them easily even if he was lying down, and pulled a chair beside his bed to lean over him. "First of all, have you tried any of these yet, Adachi-san?" They were all fairly common painkillers: she didn't think two of them actually worked, but enough people swore by them that it was worth asking.
"Yeah," he answered, turning his attention back to her. "They never did any good, even when the headaches were still small."
Still small. "Do you get headaches a lot, Adachi-san?"
"They've never been this bad before though. They've always been annoying but- AAAAH."
He slumped over and grabbed his forehead as a throb of pain shot through his head right on cue. Damnit...
"I don't think what's making you sick is important right this moment, since you seem so bad off," Orihime continued. "I'll give you something else to take care of this one, but you have to promise you'll see a doctor about it sometime in the next couple days."
He continued to hold his forehead as she spoke to him, nodding occasionally. "All right, I will," he replied, carefully leaving out the word 'promise'. Adachi did his best to never promise anything... even to himself. He tried his best to muster up a pathetic little smile. "Th-Thanks a lot doctor, I really appreciate it."
There was something she was forgetting, she knew, and with six other people in her ears it wasn't easy at all for Orihime to remember. She put her thumb to her lip in a frustrated gesture before bursting out an exclamation (quietly, of course!). "You said you hadn't tried anything else for your head, but are you taking anything else? I don't want to poison you."
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