the crow wished everything

Dec 30, 2009 07:43

Characters: Kiyomasa Senji and Yoruichi Shihōin
Content: Cats are always keen to the activities of birds
Setting: Cargo hold of the Fiertia
Time: Backdated. To a time which is in the past. Wibbley wobbly timey wimey stuff! It's when he first comes on board, okay?
Warnings: Have a generic one.

was black )

≠ kiyomasa senji (crow), yoruichi shihōin

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modestcrow December 30 2009, 23:08:57 UTC
The sound of footsteps echoed down inside the cargo bay. His sharp dark eye scanned the boxes. He had snuck aboard just recently, and heard stories about the ship that the captain was missing. So, what was the best thing to do? Hit the ship now while they were in a weakened state without their leader around.

Crow had managed to slip inside of the cargo bay, scrounging up some food that they had stored away, or any valuables to sell. It wasn't too bad, and plus he had yet to be detected yet. He had time to settle down almost amongst the cargo boxes and so on. He currently sat quite comfortably, in a make shift chair he had made out of the boxes and some stored away blankets. His eye stared up at the high ceiling and sighed as he lifted his legs to cross them up onto a box as a foot rest. If he could stay like this for a while, he would would be well off for a few months at least.


flashstepfeline December 31 2009, 14:35:42 UTC
Yoruichi's ears pricked, even when she was sensing magical energy her other senses remained keen. There was a little noise, but what was it? Something big? Small? It felt like a large creature, humanoid, but not human, or at least not a non-magical human.

She kept her own magical energies held tightly to herself, integrating them with the flow of energy around her so that they would be as unnoticeable as possible. Carefully, she thickened that protective shell around herself and only then pushed enough magic into her legs that she could jump high up on to the crates which should give her a good view. She only needed a brief peek before hopping down and moving back.

She circled around quietly. He had blocked himself off from view as best he could, but that meant it was easier to hide from him as well. There wasn't any need to startle him. She was more curious to see what he would do if he heard her moving around, so she started making some more noise, picking a random box to rummage through.


modestcrow December 31 2009, 21:06:54 UTC
His head perked up as he heard the sound of something, or someone, nearby. he shifted in his 'chair' and sat up straight, no longer in a reclined position. Senji's index fingers absentmindedly played with the small bladed rings on his thumbs for a brief moment before he stood up completely.

It had been a while since Crow had heard anyone down here. But this time, the sound was closer than before. His head inclined upward, his tall stature trying to peek over some boxes, but to no avail. It was like a handicap with this missing eye of his. He had learned to deal with it though.

The one eyed man slowly made his way past some of the aisles of boxes. He snorted as he suddenly stopped in a large open area. No need to be cornered, right? He walked around in place, in a full circle, to see whoever it was. Soon, he stopped and stared ahead of himself, raising an eyebrow. Crow soon spoke, his voice almost booming.

"C'mon now. Don't be so shy! I won't bite."


flashstepfeline December 31 2009, 22:40:34 UTC
"Who's there?" Yoruichi called, still in her play acting mode. She stepped into view, as if curious and cautious, and pretended surprise at the stranger.

"I thought I didn't recognize that voice," she said. "Who are you?"

The smell of blood assailed her nose again, faint but present, to her at least. It was doubtful he would guess she could smell it. There was no undercurrent of rotting meat or entrails. It wasn't too fresh, and he didn't look wounded at first glance. Her face was calm and her posture relaxed, but she was very prepared for quick movements.


modestcrow January 1 2010, 19:36:26 UTC
Crow frowned as he was slightly taken aback by the sight of the woman. He took a cautious step back though as he put his arms at his sides, slightly bent, in almost a defensive stance. He cleared his throat, his adam's apple trembling in the process.

For all he knew, she could have been someone either on the ship, which he didn't mind, or from that blasted insane asylum, Deadman Wonderland. And there was no way he was going back there again. The man stood his ground though. "Heh, depends on who's askin'." he responded as he tilted his head to the side, to get a better look at her with his only eye.


flashstepfeline January 2 2010, 05:42:05 UTC
"Yoruichi Shihōin," she replied neutrally, noting his posture. "But that still doesn't answer what you're doing in the cargo bay."

She noticed the way he tilted his head to the side to get a look at her. She took that to mean he probably couldn't sense his surroundings magically. She'd noted that those like herself, able to sense the magical field around them tended to use that ability to compensate for the missing part of their vision field. Now and then they would turn their heads like that, but it was usually to look at something specific like a facial expression that they couldn't read from simply sensing a shape.


modestcrow January 3 2010, 20:41:24 UTC
Senji stood up a little straighter, seeing how she wasn't too threatening yet. Maybe she was the one for asking questions instead of dealing them out with her fists. He laughed lightly as he glanced around at the boxes around them. "I've been here for a while. I was surprised I was found this time." His gaze returned back to Yoruichi.

"I've been living here for a while. I don't really have a place to live. Plus, I wouldn't know how you all would ah... react. Especially to some guy like me. But now that I've been found, I really don't care anymore." It wasn't that Crow was ashamed of his power. He didn't really show it off unless there was a fight coming up. If he did flaunt his powers, well, he may be rejected from staying on this ship, or worse, sent back.


flashstepfeline January 3 2010, 22:00:20 UTC
"Surely you didn't think you could live her indefinitely?" Yoruichi asked. "You must know ships keep track of inventory."

She advanced on him, two casual footsteps. His line of thinking was almost childishly simple, or naive. Somebody...sheltered? But he seemed jumpy, and rough. Maybe from Kropmork, never strayed far from his little neighborhood, or guild. Tough but not wise in the broader ways of the world.

"But now you've made me curious. Just what kind of guy are you?"


modestcrow January 4 2010, 21:23:38 UTC
He took two footsteps back. This woman's attire was rather.. fitting. Almost risque. His eyebrows flinched, in a small sign of distaste, or maybe it was fear? Who knew. He did narrow his eye at her at her question and laughed lightly as crossed his forearms over his head. This woman was gonna kick him out or something. He wasn't gonna go down without a fight.

The bladed rings on his thumbs ran along the outside of his forearms, creating large cuts in them. It almost seemed like a scary sight, even as the blood started to bubble and even dribble down his arms. But suddenly, the blood began to rise from the cut, floating for a brief moment before it gathered, branching out from his cut to his forearms and shot outward. In a fl;ash, the blood formed into two curved blades.

Crow lowered his arms and rubbed his thumb across the side of his nose before me smiled widely. "I'm a kind of guy you don't wanna mess with."


flashstepfeline January 5 2010, 07:57:12 UTC
Ah, so that was the cause of the blood smell. Very strange, she hadn't been expecting that.

Yoruichi didn't move, but mentally she was facepalming at his action. Why couldn't people just use their brains? She sifted through possible responses and decided against escalation. She shouldn't reveal more of her fighting skills than was strictly necessary.

"I see," she said calmly. "And what do you think you are going to do with those? Would you really slice up a defenseless, innocent woman?"


modestcrow January 5 2010, 22:44:56 UTC
"Ahaha, you can't judge a book by it's cover." Crow almost spat at her as he snorted. "You're here to drag me out. Well I'm not going down with a fight. And the only way you're gonna get me outta here is if I'm either unconscious or dead."

Crow wasn't one for words all that much. He even grew a little irritated as he looked to see that she wasn't showing any offense, let alone any defense. But Senji stood with his legs slightly bent, ready to spring if she was playing the whole innocent act to get his defenses down. He wasn't gonna fall for it! Nope! Not one bit! He even focused his eyes on her face as he stood there. Even though his stance was firm, his limbs slightly shook.


flashstepfeline January 6 2010, 02:24:45 UTC
"Oh, is that the case?" Yoruichi asked drolly, sharp yellow eyes noting everything. "I didn't know that. Normally, stowaways ask for a job so they can work off their passage, but I guess you just don't like working."

She sounded faintly amused as she eyed Crow, still looking rather relaxed despite how obviously emotional he was.


modestcrow January 7 2010, 06:07:52 UTC
He wasn't emotional! He just wasn't used to being around tightly dressed woman such as Yoruichi... He slowly lowered his arms though again, a few more fractions before he tilts his head curiously. Crow never thought about that really. Working for the ship and all to pay for his room and so on. The lady had a good point.

"Now that you mention it. It wouldn't be too bad to work here I suppose." Just as long as he kept a low profile in general. "Would your Captain mind if I worked here? Or wait, I heard he was captured. Is that true?"


flashstepfeline January 7 2010, 06:30:20 UTC
"I had no idea news traveled around the cargo bay so quickly," Yoruichi said dryly. "Yes, that's true, he isn't here now. But I think if I take you to the First Mate that should be good enough."

Yoruichi trusted that if she brought him to Jabu and handled the situation correctly, he would not only hire Crow, but think it was his idea to boot.


modestcrow January 8 2010, 03:07:23 UTC
Crow wrinkled his nose before his blades retracted back into his arms and he sighed deeply. He thought about it for a moment, staring down Yoruichi for a moment before his shoulders fell from the tension in his body and he hung his head. Waving his hand in the air, he spoke, "Fine. Why not? As long as you guys can keep me entrained, then I'm sure I could be of some use around this musty ship of yours."

Crow lifted his hand to rub at one of his arms. He didn't get closer to her as he accepted her offer. Why couldn't he just.. find the first mate himself? Well who would trust a man who controlled blood walk around so freely?


flashstepfeline January 8 2010, 04:47:11 UTC
"I'm sorry the ship's cleanliness isn't up to your standards, your Highness," Yoruichi said mildly. Apparently he hadn't heard any adages about beggars not being choosers. "But perhaps you'll be able to do something about it once you get to work, hmmm?"

But at least he was calming down. Hopefully he wouldn't try that with other, less calm crew members. But if he did, that was what the brig was for.


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