Characters: Shinjiro Aragaki, Akihiko Sanda, any others who want to go who aren't on the plot mission
Content: Shinjiro goes monster hunting ala Vohemaro tradition, Aki insists on going too. Gotta love the holidays
Setting: The Badlands, far enough from the Silvana/Farm to avoid trouble
Time: Afternoon
Warnings: Fighting, grumpy brotastic moments
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He sighed. Of course Shinji would leave without him, he'd known it when he told him not to. It would have been surprising if he'd actually stuck around.
But it was the principle of the thing.
He pulled his scarf a little tighter and picked up his pace - not quite running, but fast enough to catch up. He idly wondered how long Shinji had been gone for. Not long, since he wasn't that far away, but long enough to be a good distance. He caught up, and grabbed Shinji's arm, the one that wasn't holding the axe. "Thanks for not letting me know you were leaving."
Shinjiro himself didn't seem bothered at all by the bitter winds; his coat was buttoned up just as much as it ever was, and he has always dressed as if he was preparing for a sudden cold snap.
"You ready?"
Akihiko grinned. "Let's do it."
A death would do that.
Shinji tilted his head to one side, indicating a beaten path about 50 feet away. "Chocobo tracks. Thinking about hunting down a Red for dinner." Chocobos weren't known for being overly intimidating. But Reds and Blacks were meaner, stronger, and could easily kill a man.
They also tasted amazing.
He looked in the direction Shinji indicated, and narrowed his eyes slightly. "Chocobo, huh? Can't say I've ever had that." But he'd heard about how nasty Reds and Blacks could be, and he'd be lying if he said he wasn't looking forward to seeing how he'd fare against one.
"Watch out if we see one. Reds know magic."
He cocked an eyebrow. "Magic... would you happen to know its affinities?" Birds were usually weak against lightning, but sometimes they could be surprising.
"I know they can shot fire. That's it." That said he started walking towards the trail, his pace quickening to a steady jog he knew would get both their blood pumping and ready to go.
"Fire, hm." At least there wouldn't be an elemental issue. He usually did pretty well against fire, in fact, all things considered. He joined Shinji when he picked up the pace, anticipation building.
"Try spookin' them. Might flush the big guy out."
It was enough to send the yellow Chocobo scrambling, and the make the red one come out. He put his Evoker away and rolled his shoulder, ready to fight.
'Looks like Akihiko ain't your twin anymore.' some darkly amused part of him, the part that was slowly gaining Gin's voice, whispered in his ear.
But there was no time for that now, that bird was pissed. The Red was bigger then the others, and faster. So before Shinjiro could manage a swing at it, the bird was spewing fireballs from it's beak.
He pulled out his Evoker again, and checked it again out of habit. He didn't want to kill it with lightning, but at the same time, getting close to it wasn't an option. He summoned Caesar again, toning down another Ziodyne. That should injure it enough to get in a good fight without having to resort to Caesar again, maybe stun it, if he was lucky.
Up close it was taller then either of them by far, and had to weigh as much as them both put together. Not to mention those talons looked to be as long as steak knives....
"Damn it Aki! Punch it!" Shinji bellowed, charging behind the bird.
The bird came toward him, and he only had maybe five seconds to think. He could hit it at the base of its throat, maybe, if he jumped. He heard Shinji yell out... something, the words not registering.
It was a lot bigger than it looked, up close. He wasn't quite fast enough in getting out of the way, dodging the bird's slash late enough to end up with a gash on his arm. He jumped, aiming high, and felt his fist make contact against something that felt softer than bone.
... just in time to step into Shinjiro's attack with his axe, swipping the legs out from under the beast and cutting it deeply.
Shinjiro didn't say anything, though he was smirking with a familiar lust for battle. For taking on something stronger and coming out on top.
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