[OPEN: 4423] All around the mulberry bush...

Sep 29, 2009 17:16

Characters:  Oggie and his fellow crew members
Content:  Oggie decides to take a stroll around his new ship to start meeting people and learning his way around
Setting:  Anywhere and everywhere around the 4423 - and I do mean everywhere . . . locked doors will be taken as "just stuck" in his mind, at least initially . . . until he realizes he's in a ( Read more... )

≠ komachi, badou nails, ≠ oggie, hiyori sarugaki

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Ohhh, I feel so evil for this, fanged_brat September 30 2009, 03:41:45 UTC
Hiyori had started finding herself thoroughly bored of Licere. Hot springs really weren't her idea of fun, at least not for too long. The relaxation was nice, but timed directly after a positively boring stint at the races made it drag more than anything designed for winding down really had any right to.

Of course, being in a neck-brace due to a sparring session with a certain pretty lady Jäger may or may not have influenced her negative opinion on these two things. Well, you couldn't do a hell of a lot to entertain yourself when your movement was restricted and you hurt all over from a really good fight.

Still, she was better now. Fitter than ever. More bored than ever.

After checking the equipment in the gun room --something she did frequently-- she headed down one of the corridors and up a short flight of stairs, deciding that she would head either for the lounge or the kitchen. Well, perhaps the latter then the former --kill two birds with one stone.

Almost needless to say, her expression made her look as grumpy as ever, something almost completely at odds with her rather dinky, pigtailed appearance. Despite her tiny stature, she didn't look like a girl to be trifled with.


Gawd I'm failing at tagging lately TT~TT birdsundveasels October 5 2009, 14:04:31 UTC
Oggie came quickly around a corner and almost didn't catch himself before running into a little girl, big bare feet stomping backwards a step or three. "Oh! Hello!"

A grumpy-looking little girl. Who was either in a nasty accident or a really good fight. Oggie guessed the former, since the latter was good for putting people in good moods.

With his usual lack of tact, he frowned in concern as he looked down at her. "Vhat heppened to hyu?!"


You and me both! orz. Sorry this is so late! fanged_brat October 8 2009, 03:38:51 UTC
Hiyori glared up at the Jägermonster, her face alight with a rather mean looking scowl. As if she wasn't annoyed enough anyway, having this big idiot nearly walk into her was almost enough to make her flip.

"Funnily enough, it was one o' you guys that happened!" She snapped, her voice abrasive and not at all befitting her girlish appearance.

She wasn't bitter about it. She'd been more than up for the sparring match with Jenka -- she'd enjoyed it, even. But! He did almost walk into her, so he was going to get the rough end of her obnoxious personality.


LOL - guess that's just our trend... ^_~ birdsundveasels October 8 2009, 14:54:36 UTC
Oggie backed another step in the face of the child's vehemence, though it really was more just sheer surprise than anything. Damn... But then his face lit up. "Oh! Hyu know my brodders? Or vas it Jenka?" Then he frowned. What were they doing fighting with little kids?!

He didn't realize - or at least, not at first - that he'd muttered the question aloud under his breath.

((OOC: Mouth, meet foot. LOL))


Must be! =D fanged_brat October 10 2009, 18:54:30 UTC
Her glare didn't show any signs of fading. She looked ticked off, a little angry... perhaps, if you weren't sure what to expect out of her, a little scary.

But her expression softened just slightly. She didn't have anything against Jägermonsters, after all.

"Jenka." She replied, shrugging a little, seemingly not caring whether the question was directed at her or not. "We were sparrin'."

((OOC: Awww! I get the idea he does that a lot! X3))


*huggles!* birdsundveasels October 13 2009, 22:22:08 UTC
"Shparring vith Jenka?" Oggie tilted his head in confusion, but then grinned broadly. "Ho, hyu must be a tough leetle gurl!" Far from making fun in any way, Oggie was impressed. Jenka was many things, but she was not one to spar with someone she didn't feel was up to the task, which spoke well for this girl. "Zo, is hyu learnin' or hyu already a goot fighter gettin' prectice?"

((OOC: LOL - not quite so much in canon, but that's only because he doesn't get to do a lot of talking at /all/ in canon - Dimo and Maxim do most of it and he's just kinda along for the ride. XD;;;))


fanged_brat October 21 2009, 13:27:36 UTC
"I'm tough enough," Hiyori replied, looking every bit as tough as she said, despite her tiny stature and girlish appearance. "It was jus' practice." She said, shrugging her shoulders.

There was a little bit of a delay as she thought about how bad she must look in a neck-brace and all, but this guy must have seen Jenka since. It's not like the female Jager got out of the sparring match injury free, after all.

"I jus' didn't expect her to be so friggin' relentless." A scowl.


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