[OPEN: 4423] All around the mulberry bush...

Sep 29, 2009 17:16

Characters:  Oggie and his fellow crew members
Content:  Oggie decides to take a stroll around his new ship to start meeting people and learning his way around
Setting:  Anywhere and everywhere around the 4423 - and I do mean everywhere . . . locked doors will be taken as "just stuck" in his mind, at least initially . . . until he realizes he's in a ( Read more... )

≠ komachi, badou nails, ≠ oggie, hiyori sarugaki

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Comments 22

Ohhh, I feel so evil for this, fanged_brat September 30 2009, 03:41:45 UTC
Hiyori had started finding herself thoroughly bored of Licere. Hot springs really weren't her idea of fun, at least not for too long. The relaxation was nice, but timed directly after a positively boring stint at the races made it drag more than anything designed for winding down really had any right to ( ... )


Gawd I'm failing at tagging lately TT~TT birdsundveasels October 5 2009, 14:04:31 UTC
Oggie came quickly around a corner and almost didn't catch himself before running into a little girl, big bare feet stomping backwards a step or three. "Oh! Hello!"

A grumpy-looking little girl. Who was either in a nasty accident or a really good fight. Oggie guessed the former, since the latter was good for putting people in good moods.

With his usual lack of tact, he frowned in concern as he looked down at her. "Vhat heppened to hyu?!"


You and me both! orz. Sorry this is so late! fanged_brat October 8 2009, 03:38:51 UTC
Hiyori glared up at the Jägermonster, her face alight with a rather mean looking scowl. As if she wasn't annoyed enough anyway, having this big idiot nearly walk into her was almost enough to make her flip.

"Funnily enough, it was one o' you guys that happened!" She snapped, her voice abrasive and not at all befitting her girlish appearance.

She wasn't bitter about it. She'd been more than up for the sparring match with Jenka -- she'd enjoyed it, even. But! He did almost walk into her, so he was going to get the rough end of her obnoxious personality.


LOL - guess that's just our trend... ^_~ birdsundveasels October 8 2009, 14:54:36 UTC
Oggie backed another step in the face of the child's vehemence, though it really was more just sheer surprise than anything. Damn... But then his face lit up. "Oh! Hyu know my brodders? Or vas it Jenka?" Then he frowned. What were they doing fighting with little kids?!

He didn't realize - or at least, not at first - that he'd muttered the question aloud under his breath.

((OOC: Mouth, meet foot. LOL))


komachibi September 30 2009, 05:05:54 UTC
Komachi was starting to get pretty bored of Licere. Things ought to hot up again once they got airborne again, but until then - well, there wasn't that much to do. She had a lesson with Jenka planned later, but until then, she was spending her time climbing around in the rigging. It was fun in itself - like climbing trees - plus it meant sometimes people didn't notice you were there, and then you could spy on their conversations, or drop down on their shoulders.

There weren't many people on the deck today; Komachi guessed a lot of them were out in the town, if they weren't busy. So Oggie caught her attention immediately, both for being one of the few people around, and for not being someone she recognized.

He didn't look unfriendly, either. So as he left the rail and started walking right towards her, she clambered quickly down from her perch and dropped to the deck in front of him.
"Hello! Are you new? I'm Komachi!"


Sorry for the late reply! OTL birdsundveasels October 5 2009, 14:10:46 UTC
((OOC: "...or drop down on their shoulders." - *SNERK!*))

"Oh!" Big bare feet slapped the deck softly as he backpedaled a few steps in surprise. Normally, he'd not be taken so easily off-guard, but he'd let himself get too preoccupied. He glanced the deck up and down for any of his brethren - especially Jenka - to see if they'd seen that. He'd never live it down if they had - "Hyu let a little gurl get de jump on hyu?!"

Satisfied no one else had noticed, he turned a big toothy grin on the child. Though he'd not meant it that way, it was probably enough to frighten most people, though not likely Komachi who was already pretty used to having Jaegerkin around.

"Hello, Komachi! Ya, Hy am! Hy'm Oggie." He offered one large, sharply-clawed hand.


komachibi October 8 2009, 00:41:04 UTC
"It's okay, no-one's looking." Komachi grinned, guessing Oggie's intent as he looked around. She got the jump on a Jager? That never happened!

Still smiling happily - and totally unfazed by Oggie's expression; happy Jagers stopped being so scary once you'd seen an angry one - she reached out her own, much smaller, hand to shake his. "Are you Jenka and Dimo and Maxim's friend they went to find, then?"


birdsundveasels October 8 2009, 14:58:34 UTC
Oggie made sure to be extra careful not to press too hard on the tiny hand in his, and nodded enthusiastically. "Ya! Dey're my family. Ve'z been togedder a long time. Und hyu know dem too, eh? Are hyu a friend of deirs?"


gimme_smokes September 30 2009, 21:48:48 UTC
Badou had been greatly neglecting his gunner duties, such as checking up on the state of the gun room. It seemed that soon they'd be heading away from their little break in Licere, so he thought it best to tidy up a little.

Although, by the time he'd smoked his cigarette and entered the room, he realised that somebody (most likely one of the other gunners or powder monkeys) had already done it for him. He glanced around, figuring he might as well give the place a sweep for good luck while he was at it, and slouched over to the nearest broom.

He'd only been sweeping for a few minutes before he stood upright, looking over his shoulder towards the door. Had he heard somebody outside? He'd already been snuck up on during his time on the ship a fair amount, he was starting to learn to keep an ear out at all times.

He blinked once, waiting for any other sign of another person, or, he thought to himself, another thing, then told himself to stop acting like such a pussy and called out, "Uh... Is anybody there?"


birdsundveasels October 5 2009, 14:15:33 UTC
Ooooh! So many big, fon toys! Oggie thought as he found his way into what must be one of the gun rooms. He'd not touch - he knew better - but he couldn't help peeking around at the cannons. And that was allowed, right?

But there was someone else here. He could scent it. Huh, better be quiet, then, so he didn't disturb them at their duties. But then a voice called from around a corner. Oh! An invitation to go say HI!

Oggie jogged over into view of the other man, a big grin on his face. "Yep, dere is. Halloo, Hy'm Oggie. Hy'z new kebin boy." He offered a big, clawed hand.


gimme_smokes October 7 2009, 21:22:25 UTC
Even though he was expecting to get some sort of reaction to his question, he still gave a small start when he heard the cheerful voice call out to him.

Granted, that start was just a warm up for the one he had when he saw the guy who poked his head into the room, and swiftly approached him.

Oh, man. Another Jager? Well... At least this guy seemed friendly. Even if the hand offered was a little too... full of claws, for his liking.

"Uh. Hi, there. Oggie, right? I'm Badou."

He hesitated for just a fraction of a second before he reached out and, somewhat carefully, took hold of his hand. His collection of scars was large enough already without adding more.

"Cabin Boy, huh? How're ya likin' the ship?"


birdsundveasels October 8 2009, 15:39:42 UTC
Surprisingly, perhaps, Oggie was just as careful, being rather adept at keeping his claws from scratching when he didn't mean to. But the amount of damage he managed to not do was...kind of made up for in the strength of the handshake as Oggie pumped the guy's arm. "Badou. Pleezed to meet hyu. Yep! Oh, Hy'z likin' it a lot zo far. It'z been a while since Hy'z on an airship last." He released Badou's hand and looked around. "Dis iz a nize gon room. Hyu iz a gunner?"


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