Characters: Jabu, Date, and any member of the Firetruck who want to watch two way-too-similar people kill each other.
Content: Date has called Jabu out. PAY ATTENTION. THIS IS HOW VIOLENT PEOPLE BOND.
Setting: The deck of the Fiertia
Time: Shortly before leaving for Tulgim
Warnings: Violence. Fail. More violence. People with dirty mouths. :D
Newbies do NOT get to call out first mates >( )
Still, as soon as she found that Jabu and the newcomer were sparring, she shook herself out of her stasis. That she would need to watch was a given: if not only because of the likelihood of injury, because of the duty that kept her here. The only question that remained was how.
Stepping up onto the deck with her coat and the light fabric of her dress billowing around her, Uni sighted the small group clustered as if to watch the fight, hearing the tail end of Shion's question. Ah -- it wouldn't be a good idea to risk such a wager, so instead of approaching them she instead allowed her steps to take her to another person who seemed to be spectating. Uni settled herself on a bench a few paces away from the young man, nodding politely to him as she took her seat.
"Fight...," he mumbled dumbly, not sure if she was looking to talk or just wanted a good view of the spectacle.
"That's what it looks like," she said matter-of-factly to Wolfram, as the first blows were exchanged. "Don't worry about it. Beating the brains out of each other is how guys like that say 'hello.'" She would know; she'd seen more than a few like that in Kropmork.
He had always been annoyed at how some poorly behaved men always managed to ruin the reputation of all men. "These men should be taught to act properly," he muttered.
"Maybe," Uni ventured delicately, in response to Wolfram's comment, "this is proper for them too."
She had always been someone who -- even after the language of hearts had grown blurred and difficult to read -- sought to accept, if not understand. That others had reasons. That the world was often broken along the lines and planes of logic.
It hadn't been easy at all, but she'd adapted. Somehow. (And changed.)
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