Aug 06, 2009 00:13

Characters: Jabu, Date, and any member of the Firetruck who want to watch two way-too-similar people kill each other.
Content: Date has called Jabu out. PAY ATTENTION. THIS IS HOW VIOLENT PEOPLE BOND.
Setting: The deck of the Fiertia
Time: Shortly before leaving for Tulgim
Warnings: Violence. Fail. More violence. People with dirty mouths. :D

From the first words Date Masamune had said over the networks, Jabu's blood had been boiling for a fight. He'd flung his journal down on the bed the instant after agreeing to the fight and torn out of his cabin, leaving his armor to sit repairing in its silver box. He wouldn't need it. Not for this punk.

The instant he was on the deck, he was searching for the newcomer. It wasn't easy to miss him, being the only person on the deck Jabu didn't recognize - but besides that, he swore the guy just looked like a disrespectful idiot who would call out his new first mate over the journals before they'd even properly met.

"Hey!" he called across the deck, grinning in anticipation of the fight. "You Date Masamune?" He'd been laid out flat for weeks. He was only too glad to get back into his swing by pounding this guy's face into the mast a few times.

≠ shion sonozaki, ≠ kara "starbuck" thrace, ≠ wolfram von bielefeld, ≠ uni giglio nero, ≠ asch the bloody, ≠ jabu, ≠ abe takaya

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