Did Anyone Get the Number on that Wine Glass? (OPEN)

Aug 04, 2009 18:56

Characters: Yurika Dojima and anyone who wants to speak to her
Content: Yurika reports to duty on her brand new ship, looking a little worse for wear thanks to last night's revels 
Setting: Around the Victoria II 
Time: Morning after the after-party 
Warnings: Yurika needs coffee?

Yurika shifted her duffle bag on her shoulder and regarded the Goliath of a vessel spread out before her.    Reporting for duty on a ship for the first time was confusing when you were with it and in control of all of your facilities, but this morning Yurika's hangover was leaving her feeling a little less than one hundred percent.    Pain killers had done wonders on certain effects, but left behind a kind of disconnected, groggy feeling.    She was clean and well groomed but, whether because of the after effects of last night's party or because it was against regulations and she was not inclined to push the envelope on her first morning, without makeup.    There was a weariness to her expression and posture that did not suit the perfectly pressed uniform in the least.

She'd met a handful of people last night, a charming boatswain and his less charming brother. the gunner and the navigator who she had shared the wine with in the tower while watching for fights.   She scanned the deck for a familiar face, or, if unfamiliar, a friendly one, and prayed she would be able to drop off her things and brace herself, perhaps with a cup of coffee, before meeting the captain and the mate.

At least, for once in her life, she wasn't late.  

manfred von karma, ≠ major vole, ≠ kamotaro itou, ≠ yurika dojima, ≠ lelouch lamperouge, ≠ roy mustang

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