A show for all ages [OPEN]

Jun 30, 2009 02:27

Characters: Delita Heiral and [OPEN]
Content: Delita goes to the Steel Samurai play to see what the big deal is... and ends up falling in love with it. Go figure.
Setting:  Just after one of the showings of the Steel Samurai. 
Time: Evening
Warnings: Some planned plotting, but nothing too bad for anyone else

It was his third viewing of the play, and Delita Heiral was...feeling rather silly, to be honest. He had come as almost an afterthought. Luke was going to be traveling with these people, so he wanted to get a feel for them. Not to mention half of the crew seemed to be in love with the story.

He... hadn't expected to find it so charming himself. But that was fate, it seemed. The Quartermaster stepped off the ship once again, running his hand through his hair and bemoaning his pocketbook somewhat.

≠ delita heiral, ≠ luke fon fabre, ≠ takasugi shinsuke, ≠ sakata gintoki, ≠ maes hughes

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