Characters: Dimo and Maxim
Content: Dimo wakes Maxim up really, really early in the morning, telling him that they're going on a trip. Doesn't mention that it's for a mini-vacation/camping trip just for the two of them until later. It's a surprise, after all!
Setting: Maxim and Dimo's quarters, and from there out to the Badlands
Time: way, way
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The morning air was already warming up as he headed down the gangplank and out past the makeshift town. It would be pleasant out, no doubt about that. Quietly glad that he'd picked a spot to set up camp that was both near where the monsters had been sighted and near a good-sized creek, Dimo led the way for the next several hours' worth of hiking. They were getting away from it all, that was for certain. He didn't say a word, allowing Maxim time to work himself out of his bad mood.
Several hours later, the two Jages were at last nearing their destination. Dimo could see it in the distance: a small copse of trees next to the creek, and miles of uninhabited land around them. The scent of cool, flowing water reached his nose, and his mouth formed into a crooked smile. Yes, this would be very good.
"Ve's almost dere," he said, pointing at the trees with a clawed finger. "Ve's setting op camp over dere."
It wasn't until Dimo pointed out their campsite that Maxim finally noticed the scenery. The creek was a convenient feature and Maxim gave Dimo a curious look. The closer they got the more his curiosity grew.
Perhaps it wouldn't hurt to ask. "Vot's so special about dot shpot?"
"Dis plaze?" he echoed. "Haz got zome nize shade, und ve can get vater eazily from de creek. Und ve gots a real goot vantage point to look at de surrounding lands." Sighing in relief as he set the pack down, Dimo tentatively placed a hand on Maxim's shoulder. "Vhy doezn't hyu get in a little nap vhile ve vaits for early evening? I can zet op camp, zo don't vorry about dot. Hyu looks like hyu could use a rest."
While he waited for Maxim's answer, Dimo surveyed the site. Yes, still as he remembered it from last week, when he'd gone out scouting for a good place for a campsite. Besides the tent that he'd picked up in the market and basic cooking supplies, Dimo had also brought a thin but comfy bedroll, a couple of pillows to go along with it, a small cask of good ale, a bottle of wine, his violin, and the black leather pants from his "pirate" outfit, paired with the new shirt that he'd bought when he'd run into Fai.
Momentarily lifting his head, he furrowed his brows at Dimo who'd offered to set up camp. "Hyu certainly iz eager to do all de vork." He wasn't complaining, no. He just found it a little suspicious. Still, supposedly Dimo had a plan so it was best if he just slept and let his companion do whatever it was he needed to do.
Dimo started to set up the tent first. This way, if Maxim happened to glance back before he'd completely drifted off to sleep, he wouldn't notice anything unusual and spoil the surprise. Once Dimo was absolutely certain that the purple Jager wasn't going to wake up any time soon, he unpacked everything else, taking his time while doing so. He'd let Maxim get in a couple more hours of sleep, and then they'd have the rest of the night and the next two days ahead of them, to do with as they pleased.
Satisfied with how things had gone together, Dimo double-checked it all in his head. Bedding all set out? Check. Cooking supplies and booze off to the side? Check. Fire pit ready to go? Check. Pleased with himself, Dimo took a quick bath in the creek, changed into the form-fitting pants and cream-colored shirt, and sat down with his violin on a tree stump near the tent. After rosining the bow, he began to practice the new sheet music that he'd picked up. It would be recognizable to Maxim (or to anyone who'd heard the recording that Wolfina had made of him) as the song that he'd been singing in the shower a few weeks back.
Standing slowly and leaving his coat on the ground he stepped around the tree and found the source of the music. Finally things started to click when Maxim observed Dimo dressed the way he was and the tent pitched off to the side. Well, this was certainly not what he was expecting.
Slowly approaching Dimo, he stopped just a few feet short and smirked down at him. "Zo. Vot iz all dis?" He had some idea but he still felt he needed an explanation from the mastermind.
Gazing back up at his partner, an amused smile on his lips, Dimo replied, "Iz for hyu und me, of courze." Setting the violin down in its case, he gestured to the camp setup with his left hand, pushing himself up into a standing position with his right. "De exact date didn't schtick in my head, but unless I iz wrong, dis iz de time of year vhen ve had zome fon togedder for de forst time. Tings haz been buzy of late, und ve could both uze a break. Ve gots three days out here, und I thought it vould be nize to come to a place vhat reminded me of dot forst time. Ve gots all dis to ourselves, zome goot vine und ale, soft bedding, und each odder. As for dot," he nodded to the violin, "Thought hyu might like zome accompaniment vun of dese days."
Dimo stepped forward so that he was right in front of Maxim. "Dunno if it counts for dot, but heppy anniversary-zort-of-ting, ja?" he asked with a laugh, reaching out with his right hand to softly stroke Maxim's cheek.
Smiling bashfully, Maxim's gaze flickered to the ground as he leaned in to Dimo's touch. "Anniversary? So... dis vould be our sex anniversary? Our sex-iversary?" He laughed a bit at his own joke, trying to ease his tensity.
Vaguely, Maxim realized after Dimo had mentioned accompaniment that he had in fact been playing the very song that Maxim sung that day when Wolfina recorded him for the entire network to hear. How in the world had Dimo recognized it? He'd have to inquire later.
He bent his neck so that his face was close to Maxim's, his lips barely brushing the skin of his lover's cheek in a soft kiss. There was something that he'd been meaning to ask for a while now, and he might as well do it now that he'd worked up the courage to do so without feeling entirely foolish. "Dere iz vun ting," Dimo murmured, his own face burning more than a little now, "dot I vants to do vith hyu dot I doezn't tink ve's ever done before."
He melted into Dimo, closing his eyes and truly enjoying just being touched and held. His arms slid around Dimo's torso, snug and secure.
"Dot's a preety short list," he said, smirking. He opened his eyes curiously at Dimo. "Vot's dot?"
He then made an apologetic face. "Vell, Hy iz sorry to say dot hyu only gots vun hend to choose from... bot Hy tink iz obvious dot odder dan dot, Hy ain't gun complain."
He didn't let up for some time, wishing there was a more articulate way he could express himself, but at the same time perfectly happy with the state of things.
Finally, after several long moments he loosened his grip, allowing Dimo to move freely if he so wished, though he made no indication of ending the kiss quite yet himself. Instead, he gradually switched to multiple short, soft kisses, tilting his head and nuzzling Dimo's cheek.
He moaned softly as Maxim switched to shorter and less intense kisses, their lips only just brushing each other with each one. Dimo had hoped for a good response, but hadn't quite anticipated something this passionate. He tightened the arm around Maxim's shoulders, squeezing them. "Dere's noting elze dot I vould like more right now," he breathed between kisses, "den to hold de vun hand vhat my boyfriend gots." It wasn't a word that Dimo would normally use. He'd picked it up from time spent with some of the younger members of the crew, and hoped that Maxim would appreciate the sentiment.
His gaze gradually fell to the ground as he sorted out in his head some sort of response. What did people normally say in response to something like that? Of course, even if he knew it wouldn't matter. Other people weren't him.
"H-Hy-... Dot's... very... nize." He laughed a bit, at his own inability to form coherent sentences. His arm was draped over Dimo's shoulder, fingers idly playing with the wispy hair at the nape of his neck.
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