Show me your inner self... [Closed]

Jun 21, 2009 16:35

Characters: Gin, Shinjiro, and later Cirucci.
Content: The drugs are starting to lose their effect, so Gin has offered to help Shinji find other ways of keeping his Persona under control; namely giving it an outlet of violence.
Setting: In a clearing, a reasonable hike from the fairgrounds.
Time: Mid- to late-afternoon.
Warnings: Sparring and ( Read more... )

≠ gin ichimaru, shinjiro aragaki, ≠ cirucci thunderwitch

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Comments 58

adiosasshole June 21 2009, 06:58:14 UTC
Shinjiro made his way to the clearing rather quickly after getting Gin's message. Like Shinsou, Castor had woken up ready to cause havoc, and Shinji's eyes were almost vibrating in his skull. But unlike most times he didn't just allow that feeling, he almost encouraged it. But just as he reached the point of almost-eagerness he pulled back, testing the mental bindings he had on his Persona over and over ( ... )


inyourmidst June 21 2009, 07:14:48 UTC
Gin appraised Shinji's appearence with something close to a leer, but his eyes were drawn down to the Evoker. He'd had a chance to inspect it the last time Shinji had been mostly out of it due to the drugs and true to the cook's explanation it didn't actually seem constructed to fire bullets. Not a traditional sort of weapon, then, but he was looking forward to seeing it bring the Persona out like Shinji had promised it would.

"Just long enough to enjoy the scenery," Gin told him cheerfully, pushing away from the tree and circling around to the center of the clearing, keeping a respectable distance. "I doubt it'll look this pretty by the time we're done with it."

He'd given up the white coat for the day - he was too fond of it to risk the tears of battle, and it was such a bother to get cleaned - and was instead wearing simple black training attire. He didn't draw his sword, but the smirk he wore was full of daring challenge, and he might have been radiating just a little of Shinsou's vicious intent.


adiosasshole June 21 2009, 07:38:05 UTC
He too stepped towards the center, slinging his axe up onto his shoulder. If he noticed the leer he didn't acknowledge it, though it would be rather hard to miss. Instead he kept his own gaze blank, or as much so as he could manage.

But the aftermatch of that intent showed on his face, just a little. It was almost like a scent in the air, something he picked up on instinctually. And it made it even harder to keep hold of Castor. Though soon he wouldn't need to, and the thought made the corner of his mouth quirk up. "Not to worried about the random nature Ichimaru." hereplied, fighting down the urge to smirk.


inyourmidst June 21 2009, 08:56:38 UTC
"Should I be more worried about myself then?" he asked, playfully incredulous as though he didn't think Shinji was much of a threat at all. He knew better, of course. He'd seen Castor's power demolish a steel chair and had curiously wondered what would happen to a body if that same force was applied to it. Something interesting, he was sure. He crooked his finger at Shinji in an unspoken come get me gesture

"Show me this how this Evoker of yours works," he said, and he couldn't quite keep the eagerness out of his tone. A possibly suicidal enthusiasm, considering the circumstances, but he didn't seem concerned in the slightest. "I want to see what your Persona is like when you actually mean to call it out."


a wild tl; dr appears! swallow_wing July 1 2009, 00:08:25 UTC
When Cirucci got the message from Gin, she could already feel her muscles start to twitch ( ... )


GIN performs LEER <3 inyourmidst July 1 2009, 10:34:25 UTC
Gin's carefully haphazard trail of red ribbons hadn't simply been a matter of leading Shinjiro to their meeting place. They'd also guided the cook quickly away from the main road so he wouldn't happen to run into the waiting ambush ahead of time. The fair attracted all kinds, from the snootiest upperclass drawn to the prestige of the rare event, to the opportunistic traders aiming to flaunt their wares to buyers from all sides of the continent, and then there were the lowest of the low. Ruffians, thieves and pirates - those who operated with only an ugly shadow of the 4423's reputation seeking to skim what they could from the rich and unwary. If you knew what to look for, the signs of shifting eyes and greedy fingers, you could barely walk twenty feet through the fairground without tripping over groups of them ( ... )


adiosasshole July 2 2009, 14:30:42 UTC
Shinjiro noticed noticed the carefully planned trap for himself. He was no tactician, not when he was with SEES, and not now. By far a point and kill type guy. The ribbons hadn't seemed odd, the change of course hadn't... or running into what sounded like either a mugging or a sexual assault. He had performed enough of the former and stumbled on enough of the latter in Kropmork to recognize it. He too slowed, head tilting.

"Shit..." he husked out, his steps quickening again but having almost no sound. Now that he was out of his thick clothing and heavy boots he moved rather smoothly. He had to: Shadows hunted by sight and sound. And getting caught off guard was a death sentence... and getting the sneak attack was the only strategy he knew. There was almost no sound at all.

He slunk around the corner just enough to see Cirucci and her attackers, and his face twisted in anger and shock. He didn't like the woman, per say, but she had at least tried to be social with him. She didn't deserve this. He didn't bother turning back to see if ( ... )


swallow_wing July 3 2009, 10:58:52 UTC
"What the--"

Cirucci's head whipped around as she heard a groan, standing slowly as her eyes adjusted to the panicked scene playing in front of her. One of the cronies had collapsed to the ground, hands covering his head for a reason Cirucci quickly calculated: a gleam of sunlight bouncing off metal, something large, heavy--

She squinted, trying to decipher the weapon despite the obscuring flash of white that left strains of color dancing over her vision. A tilt of her head was a change of perspective enough: it was an axe, she realized, and then, cynically, a rescuer has arrived. She shifted her glance upwards. The scene couldn't have been more perfect: the late afternoon sun still poked through the trees, spilling past the foliage and clinging to the intruder's frame in a most inconsistent kind of illumination ( ... )


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