Show me your inner self... [Closed]

Jun 21, 2009 16:35

Characters: Gin, Shinjiro, and later Cirucci.
Content: The drugs are starting to lose their effect, so Gin has offered to help Shinji find other ways of keeping his Persona under control; namely giving it an outlet of violence.
Setting: In a clearing, a reasonable hike from the fairgrounds.
Time: Mid- to late-afternoon.
Warnings: Sparring and ( Read more... )

≠ gin ichimaru, shinjiro aragaki, ≠ cirucci thunderwitch

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a wild tl; dr appears! swallow_wing July 1 2009, 00:08:25 UTC
When Cirucci got the message from Gin, she could already feel her muscles start to twitch ( ... )


GIN performs LEER <3 inyourmidst July 1 2009, 10:34:25 UTC
Gin's carefully haphazard trail of red ribbons hadn't simply been a matter of leading Shinjiro to their meeting place. They'd also guided the cook quickly away from the main road so he wouldn't happen to run into the waiting ambush ahead of time. The fair attracted all kinds, from the snootiest upperclass drawn to the prestige of the rare event, to the opportunistic traders aiming to flaunt their wares to buyers from all sides of the continent, and then there were the lowest of the low. Ruffians, thieves and pirates - those who operated with only an ugly shadow of the 4423's reputation seeking to skim what they could from the rich and unwary. If you knew what to look for, the signs of shifting eyes and greedy fingers, you could barely walk twenty feet through the fairground without tripping over groups of them ( ... )


adiosasshole July 2 2009, 14:30:42 UTC
Shinjiro noticed noticed the carefully planned trap for himself. He was no tactician, not when he was with SEES, and not now. By far a point and kill type guy. The ribbons hadn't seemed odd, the change of course hadn't... or running into what sounded like either a mugging or a sexual assault. He had performed enough of the former and stumbled on enough of the latter in Kropmork to recognize it. He too slowed, head tilting.

"Shit..." he husked out, his steps quickening again but having almost no sound. Now that he was out of his thick clothing and heavy boots he moved rather smoothly. He had to: Shadows hunted by sight and sound. And getting caught off guard was a death sentence... and getting the sneak attack was the only strategy he knew. There was almost no sound at all.

He slunk around the corner just enough to see Cirucci and her attackers, and his face twisted in anger and shock. He didn't like the woman, per say, but she had at least tried to be social with him. She didn't deserve this. He didn't bother turning back to see if ( ... )


swallow_wing July 3 2009, 10:58:52 UTC
"What the--"

Cirucci's head whipped around as she heard a groan, standing slowly as her eyes adjusted to the panicked scene playing in front of her. One of the cronies had collapsed to the ground, hands covering his head for a reason Cirucci quickly calculated: a gleam of sunlight bouncing off metal, something large, heavy--

She squinted, trying to decipher the weapon despite the obscuring flash of white that left strains of color dancing over her vision. A tilt of her head was a change of perspective enough: it was an axe, she realized, and then, cynically, a rescuer has arrived. She shifted her glance upwards. The scene couldn't have been more perfect: the late afternoon sun still poked through the trees, spilling past the foliage and clinging to the intruder's frame in a most inconsistent kind of illumination ( ... )


inyourmidst July 6 2009, 10:21:23 UTC
Gin was almost disappointed that he couldn't stand right there in Cirucci's view and smile as the bandits held a knife to her throat. He would have enjoyed that terribly, but despite this lovely scene he'd crafted, he couldn't afford to have a front row seat or Shinji might wonder why he wasn't choosing to help. Instead he held back as Shinji rushed ahead, melted into the scenery, and began circling around the little ambush point with a very specific destination in mind ( ... )


adiosasshole July 6 2009, 22:52:00 UTC
Shinjiro paused at Cirucci begin captured, and his bravo faltered for a moment. But just as quickly it came back, though it was now carefully measured ( ... )


swallow_wing July 9 2009, 08:12:26 UTC
Cirucci growled, almost straining her neck in aggression, had a knife not been pressed against her skin. "You try--" She only spat out two words before the bandit behind her covered her mouth with his free hand, her words muffled and incomprehensible against the pressure.

"Quiet, honey." Cirucci didn't need to turn her head to picture the smirk creeping across the bandit's face. Indeed, his 'endearment' dripped with such condescension that it painted enough of a picture. She would have bitten his hand, if Gin hadn't so metaphorically tied hers.

But then, under normal circumstances, she would never have been in this situation to begin with.

She was quick to notice the arrow--it were her ears that perked first, that twitched at that sharp, piercing sound, before her eyes caught sight of a sliver of wood shooting through the sky. When Aragaki crumpled, she stifled a groan, muscles tensing in frustration. Done for already? Ichimaru shouldn't waste time on useless toys--But the thought of Gin, ironically, lent Cirucci a feeling of ( ... )


inyourmidst July 10 2009, 02:36:56 UTC
The bandit at Gin's feet wasn't quite dead yet, although Gin had half-crushed his throat just to make sure an untimely shout wasn't going to give his position away. He stepped over the still twitching body to peer intently through the same gap in the foliage the arrow had been shot through. His own private theatre, he thought amusedly. Actors on a stage, although Cirucci was the only one who knew it. Considering what a heartfelt performance she was giving, he was almost prepared to give her a proper commendation for it later ( ... )


adiosasshole July 12 2009, 02:43:33 UTC
Shinjiro knew the men were on him. Knew he couldn't reach them in time with his weapon. Knew this and was scared. How had he gotten himself so stupidly caught? He was better then this! or had been. Maybe playing housewife on the Silvana had made him soft. He snarled in impotent rage at his own failings ( ... )


swallow_wing July 14 2009, 05:51:34 UTC
"What the--what the fuck?!"

Cirucci felt the knife shake at her throat. Adjusting her glance to peer behind her, she caught sight of the bandit's hand quaking with fear. He had reeled back in response to seeing his fellow men hurled backwards, his eyes widened in fear, eyebrows arched high, a bit of distance now opening between her and her captor.

The other men were groaning, trying in vain to push themselves up, falling back onto shaky arms and trembling legs as they regarded Aragaki with confusion and terror. "What--how--" One sputtered as he tried to drag himself forward by his elbows, only to collapse fully down onto the ground after a moment of struggle.

Cirucci herself was captivated by the sight, eyes tracking the energy that swirled around Shinjiro with almost an interested, studious intensity. This was a power unlike hers, unlike the arrancar in general. Just who was this buffoon? But her interest cooled to apathy mere seconds later. He obviously had a clumsy hold on his power, reigned it in only with hesitation and ( ... )


inyourmidst July 14 2009, 14:13:54 UTC
It seemed fear and pain were the right kind of incentives to finally bring Castor out. The air was thick with the taint of the Persona's presence, a whine in the air that was almost the high pitch of a horse's whinny and a pulse that was nearly a hoof beat. Something wasn't quite right this time, though. He'd known Shinjiro could summon without the Evoker and while he didn't seem to have quite as easy a time of it, it didn't feel wrong like this did ( ... )


adiosasshole July 15 2009, 03:32:34 UTC
More flecks of black blood-likes substance hit the ground as Shinjiro fought to stand. His knee kept buckling but eventually he managed it. That blue-black energy kept circling him like a cloud and lifted off the black slime as well. It was the same slick looking material as the Shadows before they took their more battle worthy forms.

He looked up to face the bandits, looking directly at the one who held Cirucci. Long trails of the black stuff was dribbling from his mouth and eyes like some kind of strange gore, always moving. And slowly, a shape rose out of the tiny puddle of the stuff that was already forming. A large horse like shape.

Shinji grinnedAnother blast, this time not just force but edging into blades, tearing up the ground... and the bandits still fighting to stand. Blood and other things kicked up into the air, catching in the sunlight along with the screams of the now dying. It happened so fast there was almost no time to react... but it would be too hopeful to say the men didn't feel a thing. They felt plenty ( ... )


swallow_wing July 19 2009, 11:20:59 UTC
Cirucci's eyes remained trained on the thick gooey puddle, rising as the sludge began to take shape. Whatever this power of Shinjiro's was, it was getting dragged out. This was not an eager, euphoric release of power as hers was; Aragaki's had been prodded, tugged, pulled. There was something grotesque about it, forcing such an enormous source of power into such a small cage-- and then to yank it out again, utterly misshapen and somehow lopsided, because the strongest bars leave the deepest imprints...

When the horse-like entity arose, Cirucci couldn't help but think it was all very majestic, for a a man in tatters. So my prince has a horse, does he?It was only moments later that Cirucci's ears filled with a very loud, scratchy ripping sound, as she saw flashes of silver dig into the path. She squinted her eyes; dirt was erupting upwards yet again, obscuring her vision, but her ears told her all she needed to figure out. The screaming didn't even send a shiver down her spine. So unruffled she was that even the spurts of red whirling ( ... )


inyourmidst July 19 2009, 14:02:34 UTC
It was sort of beautiful in its ugliness; the thick black ooze that Shinjiro coughed up looked positively vile but the flare of power that came with it, sheer rage and a brutal sort of joy that Gin was all too familiar with, were glorious. He hadn't seen this side of Castor; only the lesser version, with Shinjiro in control, and even given how much he disliked Gin it had been obvious he'd held back during their spar ( ... )


adiosasshole July 19 2009, 14:23:35 UTC
When the bandit tried one last bit of bravo, Shinjiro (or was it just Castor at this point?) just laughed, pointing a finger at him and gathering force to finish this little game.

"I want you... to hold still." He husked, voice raw and warbling in an eerie echo effect. Like recording words from one journal with another. Just a tiny second of timing off, but enough to sound very very wrong. Of course, the bandit moved, tearing away from Cirucci in a desperate need to get away, causing Shinji to change his aim to try and catch him before the attack was no longer in his control. In a flash of gore the mans arm tore away, showing gleaming white bone and red meat ( ... )


swallow_wing July 20 2009, 10:40:20 UTC
Cirucci watched with studious eyes as Shinjiro crumpled, glancing once behind her to catch sight of the last bandit cowering into himself. Her eyes shifted to a long mass on the ground: his arm, severed so savagely from its root, blood sputtering out from the wound like sparks from a frayed wire. She darted her gaze back to the bandit. No, he was of no concern, now. He had fared better than his comrades, who were perhaps already dead just feet ahead, but he was still clutching and grasping at his severed limb, eyes widened in fear ( ... )


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