Growlithe Puppy Adventures, goooo~

Jun 18, 2009 19:42

Characters: Greta and Itou and [Open~]
Content: Greta's wandering around the marketplace having Growlithe Puppy Adventures with Itou and Vincent. Anyone is free to bump into her and whatnot.
Setting: Vicky's gangplank, and then onto the marketplace!
Time: Late morning to early evening.
Warnings: ...Greta? 8> Whatever you bring with you.

It was such a big place. Greta was amazed. Everyone coming together like this to have fun and enjoy themselves, no matter if they were Ivonian or Vohemaro.

Of course she had no idea about the cheating and whatnot, but let her dream a little.

She trotted down the gangplank, catching Itou's tall figure waiting for her there. Vincent's nails clicked along the wooden plank next to her as she patted the man on the arm. "Here I am, Mr. Itou~"

≠ harlequin, ≠ kamotaro itou, ≠ greta izura, ≠ gwendal von voltaire, ≠ roy mustang

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