Courante [Open]

Jun 18, 2009 21:18

Characters: Komachi [komachibi] and Gorobei [goromical] in the main thread as closed, but also open to those who would like to help with all the decorating and I need to get Gorobei out and interacting with people.
Content: The captain isn't feeling well, so maybe making the ship bright and cheery will speed up her recovery!
Setting: Halls of the 4423
Time: Afternoon.
Warnings: ...None.

It had been a while since Gorobei had done any decorating on the ship. It had been busy, and then it had been busier and then Gorobei had needed to a rest from all the busyness. He hadn't exactly been slacking on his duties, but he wasn't comfortable with how little he had been keeping up with Komachi's ever-changing interests and social life. He had also been frightfully unsociable himself, focusing on work and sleep and not much else for so long. It was no wonder he wasn't able to recognize most of the faces on the ship anymore.

That was all changing today. Things had been relatively peaceful on the ship for a while now, and though Gorobei did appreciate it, he was starting to get bored.

Armed with a bucket of paper, paint, fabrics and every other kind of colorful item they could possibly use to decorate the place, Gorobei went to work. Maybe if he got things started, it would be easier for Komachi to join in.

≠ komachi, ≠ gorobei katayama, ≠ yojimbo mifune

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