Let's drag suspicious strangers all over the ship! [Closed]

Jun 15, 2009 22:04

Characters: Komachi, Jenka, Gin (!!)
Content: Gin talks the two into giving him a tour of the 4423.
Setting: First somewhere nearby the 4423, then all over the ship.
Time: Morning-ish, one of the days before the races
Warnings: Ten-year-old child interacting with the worst possible role models

Jenka was feeling unusually cheerful today.

She woke up to music being played somewhere nearby. And all the other sounds of a fair, familiar but somehow always surprising. It reminded her of the excitement of Mechanicsburg holidays, back when she was a kid.

She headed up to the deck to see the ship surrounded - at a respectful distance - by stalls selling food, weapons, trinkets, alcohol, clothes, candy, hats, and everything else a pirate could possibly want. "Hyu sure looks like hyu vants to be somevhere else!" she called out, spotting Komachi. The girl looked like she was going to go over the railing any moment, the way she was trying to pay attention to everything at once! Not that Jenka could blame her. The atmosphere of this makeshift town in the middle of the Badlands made even her act like a kid. Hmm, maybe they'd have gingerbread trilobites?...

"Hyu comink, or vot?"

[ooc: /is ridiculously late, orz]

≠ gin ichimaru, ≠ komachi, jenka

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