[CLOSED] It's alright to stop moving sometimes-

Jun 14, 2009 12:14

Characters: Kristoph Gavin & Apollo Justice [thedevilsmile & justiceismyname]
Content: Former teacher and student meet to discuss recent events.
Setting: Tea shop? ...yeah let's go with that.
Time: Evening.
Warnings: Kristoph. |:

The Gearship Motor's annual plane racing competition. It had only been a year, but it seemed like so much longer since he was last here. Well, that couldn't be blamed though - the last year certainly had been quite the hectic what, with everything that had been happening. From the Kropmork Assassinations to the Lunasa Bombings and then Doma and now the attack at Ivona's Parliament... last year was almost like a lifetime ago.

The age of peace had long passed - now, there was only tension and strife amongst the nations, and nobody was spared from it.

Kristoph sipped calmly from his tea as he watched the hustle and bustle of the streets outside the tea shop where he currently was, the liquid rippling from the turbulence of the air as the planes flew by overhead. The man would have very much preferred to be in his office instead of outside here, but it was for the best that this meeting was to be held outside - after all, he was meeting someone... rather special.

I do hope he doesn't take much longer though, the blonde thought to himself as he sipped carefully from his cup again, absently skimming through the newspapers on the table in front of him. This tea is getting cold.

≠ apollo justice, ≠ kristoph gavin

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