Game of chess [Open]

May 28, 2009 08:08

Characters: Hitsugaya Toshirou and anyone from the Silvana
Content: Hitsugaya sets up a chess board and hopes someone will challenge him to a game
Setting: Silvana lounge
Time: evening
Warnings: hopefully none, but will post if any come about

Note: I suck at chess so if anyone actually knows how to play it, um....get with me on how you want to log it lol.

Toshirou poked at a chess piece sighing heavily. He'd been moving pieces across the board for awhile now, waiting for someone to show up. Reviewing what he'd read about the game he found his thoughts drifting. He didn't like the direction they were going it was one of the reasons why he'd sent a message over the net if anyone played chess. A distraction of any kind would be welcome but right now he needed one that would keep his mind focused on just one thing, not everything going on around him.

≠ raidou kuzunoha, sara werec, ≠ kyouya hibari, ≠ hitsugaya toshirou, ≠ john watson

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