Characters: L, Vash, Zeetha, Maes, Ranulf
Content: L throws a party ... yeah ... really
Setting: L's office
Time: A little past midnight when most of the children are snug in their begs
Warnings: L is trying to throw a party, what more do you want?
He'd been out of commission completely for a few days and unable to do more than sleep, speak with Watari or some of the other crew, and then sleep some more. Finally, he could actually stay squatting for most of the day without feeling as though he was completely wiped out. That was when he decided to finally make his move. He needed to get to know Maes and Ranulf better. He'd hired them while he was mostly incapacitated, and though he trusted his and Vash's judgment on the matter, there was nothing better than getting some actual observations in.
He'd ordered some blueberry muffins, chocolate donuts, bagels, cookies, tea, hot cocoa and whiskey to round out the food selection from the kitchen and he mostly felt as though he was ready for the meeting.
There was a great deal to discuss, and although he hadn't quite understood Zeetha's emotional response, she was correct that he needed to speak on several issues sooner rather than later.
[OOC: this is a mingle log! Feel free to have little side conversations with whoever you would like and get to know your fellow officers. Additionally, after the mingle logs have concluded there will be a more format 'briefing' from L. These will run concurrently and be more typical round robin style posting. Because those sorts of logs are incredibly unwieldy it will mostly take the form of L giving some information, but definitely feel free to have characters add more thoughts and things!]