Colors of the Heart [Closed]

Jan 14, 2009 15:37

Characters: Hijikata Toshirou & Chi [mayovice & gokigen]
Content: Chi has finally been found and returned to after a scare, and Hijikata has a few words to say to his pet young charge ward.
Setting: Hijikata's quarters onboard the Victoria II.
Time: Late evening, while the ship is on the way to the Rockgala.
Warnings: Some fail on Hijikata's part, of course. He's way too serious about this. :|

Hijikata didn't want to admit it, but that stunt the kitten had pulled earlier in the day had scared the hell out of him.

It wasn't because of some stupid attachment or anything he had to the damn kitten (he? Attached to a kitten? Get real.) but it was more of his own morals. He had promised Chi after all that he'd care for her until he found her original owners and returned her to where she rightfully belonged, or at least find somewhere better for her other than staying in the flagship of the Ivona nation. A military ship was no place for a kitten like her to be; especially for a kitten like her. She was clearly only so young, and the Victoria II was a dangerous place to be - who knows what could happen next on a ship as crazy as this.

Once Chi had been returned to him by one very disgruntled and annoyed first mate, the boatswain placed the kitten on his desk before he went to shut the door and locked it, and then pacing about his room casting the occasional glance at her as he thought of ways on how to ensure that the kitten wasn't going to do something as stupid as like that again.

chi, hijikata toshirou

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