When the crew's away, the captain... well no, she won't play [Open]

Jan 14, 2009 00:48

Characters: Isako and anyone who wants to bother her.
Content: Loli no like chocobo races. So, she's hoping to enjoy some nice peace and quiet up deck while many of the crew are out. Hoping being the key word here.
Setting: Deck of the 4423
Time: Noon, time of chocobo races
Warnings: Lots of >:[ face.

Why anyone would want to race over-sized chickens was beyond her. Tamed beasts was all they were, dumbed down by years of inbreeding to obtain the perfect racer. She'd seen people gamble their lives away on these stupid things. Stupid birds. She'd have no part in it.

Still, with many of the crew gone, it gave her some much needed time to herself. She had decided to spend it up deck, thinking maybe the air would clear her head. Now that she was up there she realized that was far from likely; the badlands air was dry and arid. Not that that was much worse than Vohemar, or even Ivona with its industrial cities spiting out filth. As far as she was concerned, the entire continent was a stinking wasteland.

She had to think. Quick money making schemes. Pirating was certainly a possibility, and one she knew well, but it carried greater risks than ever before. That stupid Ivonian captain was probably still waiting for them to make one false move, not to mention there were mercenaries about. But if there were no other options, they might be forced to take it. These small jobs wouldn't be enough to sustain them, let alone pay off their debt. She had to think bigger. Noto to mention she was just letting her crew go to waste. This annoyed her the most. What was she paying these people for if she didn't use them?!

Her hand slammed down hard on the railing. She hissed at the pain, but otherwise her expression remained unaffected. Like a little pain mattered.

≠ yuuko "isako" amasawa, ≠ jotaro kujo, ≠ naoto fuyumine

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