Job-hunting [OPEN]

Jan 05, 2009 04:14

Characters: Utena Tenjou and the 4423 crew
Content: Utena is looking a ship, and the 4423 has been mentioned to her, so she's come to check it out! She'll be trying to find Winry, so she can get hired.
Setting: The docks --> the 4423.
Time: After the Doc & Holly incident, while they're still in Colvus.
Warnings: ...None in particular? Unless you're likely to be offended by Utena's crossdressing, but really, friend, you'll have to get used to that one ._.;;

Utena hadn't been in Colvus long--only since the darkness let go of her on the Long Night--but she hadn't had much to do with the short time she'd been around besides get her bearings. The docks were a little ways away from her lodgings, but at least she could get there without getting lost.

Her search for anyone she knew-- Anthy, Akio, the members of the Student Council, anyone--had come up almost unsettlingly fruitless. You'd think in one of the biggest towns in Vohemar, there'd be somebody who knew something, but apparently that wasn't the case. It was like none of the things she'd remembered had existed...

Not that that would stop her looking. The academy hadn't been in Vohemar, anyway, so maybe when she got back to Ivona she'd get more leads... Thinking along those lines, it hadn't taken her long to decide that she needed passage on a ship... if only she had any money. But even if she didn't have money, she could work, right? There wasn't anything yet discovered that could make Utena give up when her mind was set to something, and she'd decided: she was getting out of this town, and finding out what had become of Anthy.

She stepped onto the docks, determined, looking for a ship to match the description Dimo had given her over the network. If she could just land a position, she could start searching for her friend in earnest!

dimo, ≠ komachi, ≠ utena tenjou, ≠ winry rockbell

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