Longest Night Birthday Party [Closed]

Dec 18, 2008 11:46

Character: Hitsugaya Toshirou, Jushirou Ukitake
Content: Jushirou convinces a rather reluctant Toshirou to celebrate their birthday's together
Setting: Jushirou's quarters
Time: Longest Night
Warnings: Grumpy shota, and possible fluff? o__O

Toshirou didn't know how to feel about this. On the one hand he was glad he and Jushirou were going to spend some time together, but he really wished the older man hadn't insisted so much about celebrating his birthday. At leats he was somewhat prepared for this. He'd nabbed some food from the kitchen before making his way to Jushirou's quarters.

Balancing the food on a tray, he knocked on the door a little apprehensive about the whole evening. He wondered what Jushirou had gotten him, and felt bad that he had nothing to give in return but his poor company.

≠ hitsugaya toshirou, ≠ jushirou ukitake

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