Dec 08, 2008 01:36

Characters: Pip Bernadette + Mew [coyotealpha] & OPEN to all in Colvus (Yes, this includes all of you Winding Way peeps 8D)
Content: Pip brings Mew (somewhat against his will) out into the city. A guy with a floating pink feline hovering around him? You know that gets attention real quick.
Setting: Around and about the fine city of Colvus.
Time: A bit after ( Read more... )

pip bernadette, ≠ gorobei katayama, ≠ shiki misaki

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goromical December 9 2008, 03:13:45 UTC
It was nice to be back in Vohemar. Colvus was Gorobei's favorite city, but it probably the one with which he was most familiar. Everything that had happened in the past in Colvus was not important right now. What was important was getting back to the 4423 without hitting any problems on the way.

He caught sight of a familiar-looking redhead as he made his way to the docks. After a few moments of memory-sifting, he was finally able to recognize that the man was definitely from the 4423, although Gorobei had only seen him around a few times. He believed the man's name was Kip, or something like that, though he wasn't really sure, so he just called out, "Hey, friend!"

That's when he noticed the giant cat-looking creature floating around the man. There were two things Gorobei hated most in the world: magic and cats. It seemed that the two of them had combined to create some horrible creature straight out of one of Gorobei's most horrifying dreams. The thing seemed completely harmless, but he was sure that that's exactly what it wanted you to think!

Gorobei stopped dead in his tracks and his face fell. His body froze on him, and he stood there, immobilized, in the middle of the street, staring at a strange thing.


coyotealpha December 9 2008, 04:25:57 UTC
Pip started his way down into the city, Mew now beside him once he caught up to the pink floating feline. He had been deciding if he should go and find a place to drink or just wander around town with the feline beside him when he heard the shout across to him. The mercenary turned, quickly recognizing who it was that had returned. "Oh, Gor'bei!" he greeted back in response, tilting his hat a little.

He was about to ask how the boatswain was doing when then he noticed the man staring at the feline beside him. Pip turned to it, who only looked at Pip with its huge blue eyes and giggled once more, twirling around once and started to drift towards the other man. "Ah, don't 'ind the lil' tyke," Pip remarked at the sight of Gorobei's expression. "Its a, uh... pretty 'ong zory 'ow it ended up here vith us." A story that he wouldn't forget for a long time now, that's for sure.


goromical December 9 2008, 05:31:16 UTC
There was a stretch of silence as Gorobei processed what Pip had said, while simultaneously trying to bring his brain back up to normally functioning speed. He had a lot of questions, most pressing being Is it harmless?, which he doubted. After these few seconds, Gorobei was able to quirk his lips into a rather nervous smile before answering Pip.

"Long story, huh? How much did I miss?" Kambei had said something about being away from the mainland, but Gorobei had really been to interested in the details, other than knowing when the ship would get back.

"It's been a long time, friend." He hated not remembering this man's name, no matter how few times they'd seen each other. Anyone else would remember. "Where were you headed? I was going to make it back to the ship, but you wouldn't mind if I joined you, would you?" It made him a little nervous to leave one of his crew mates with a floating cat, so he opted to join the man.


You top one of my muses Gorobei, and now one of my muses top you. Revenge is sweet. |E coyotealpha December 9 2008, 05:58:58 UTC
"'uite a bit," Pip replied with a bit of an exasperated look on his face as Mew went back to hovering around him and decided to settle on the top of his cowboy hat. It contiuned to look at Gorobei curiously with its big blue eyes before bursting into another giggle but still managed to stay upright on his hat by some loophole in the laws of physics. "But th' cap'n zinks zat zis lil' tyke's the zing ve're 'upposed to be lookin' fer." Isako hadn't said if she confirmed it though, so Pip supposed they'd have to see later.

"Veen 'ometime since I vast vaw you as vell," the mercenary responded with a grin while scratching the side of his head and trying not to move his hat too much in the process, though that seemed unlikely. Mew floated back up once the hat moved too much and whirled around Pip's head again, chirping. The brunette only sighed and gently patted the cat on the forehead to an appreciative sound of 'mew~'. "An' to ansver your question, why don't ve go somevhere for a drink n' snack? I'm famvished after that long trip."


I posted here for that exact reason. Do your worst. No, really. :D goromical December 9 2008, 07:12:39 UTC
"I would love to get something to eat! I haven't had some good Vohemaro food in a long time. I happen to know a few good places if you didn't have anywhere in mind." Which meant, he knew a few places where no one would bother him, but that didn't need to be said. He hardly knew this man, he wasn't about to introduce him to a bunch of people who knew more about him and his family than anyone on the 4423, including his samurai comrades.

The cat continued to stare and giggle, which were both just plain creepy, for lack of a better term. It gave the cat human qualities that unnerved Gorobei to no end. Gorobei sent the cat a nervous glance before reacting to Pip's statement. "The thing we're looking for? Since when have we been looking for a thing?" Well, he felt out of the loop, even more so than he normally did.


Oh ho ho. As you wish~ coyotealpha December 9 2008, 10:06:55 UTC
Pip shrugged at Gorobei's suggestion. I wasn't as if he was all that familiar with Vohemar anyway like the natives, but he knew it well enough anyway from his work as a mercenary. "I don't mind at vall," he replied as Mew chirped in agreement as well, to which the man only turn and gave an exasperated smile at the feline. "I don't even know vat you eat."

Mew only twirled in a circle and giggled again before settling on top of his hat again. It was a bit hard to move his head with the cat there, but Pip managed somehow as he sighed again and explained briefly. "Vell, afvter you left we vent somevehere" he started, choosing not to reveal where they were just yet. It would be bad if this information was on the wrong hands after all. "Zere the cap'n got a job to do vich vas to get cargo 'rom a ship'reck."

And that point the mercenary point/gestured vaguely to the feline on top on his hat. "And the cap'n said itz a high 'ance zat its zis lil' thing since ve 'ound it ina box o' chains."


I need a horrified!Gorobei icon. goromical December 10 2008, 03:22:34 UTC
While a more sensitive and sane person might have felt some compassion for the floating cat at the mention of it being boxed away and probably abused, Gorobei's mind was on a completely different scenario.

They had to box away that cat to keep it out of trouble.

He was now sure that its intentions were far more sinister than it let on. If worse came to worse, he'd have to use Heihachi as a human shield to block the magic that it would no doubt send at him one day. It was amazing that Pip was so relaxed around this thing. So, Gorobei, not wanting to look out of place, feigned a relaxed posture as well, and probably failed.

"It's not far from here. It's just a pub that serves the kind of food you'd find at a pub, but it's good, I promise." He did his best to grin enthusiastically. He was having a hard time thinking of a way of leading the other two while still keeping his eyes on Mew. The best he could come up with was, "Down a block and to your left," and pointing and the general direction. Normally, he was bad with directions, but in Colvus, he knew his way around.


fuefwuiehf LJ didn't send me a notification OTL *STABS IT* coyotealpha December 10 2008, 06:56:32 UTC
The mercenary tried hard not to look too surprised at the amout of worry Gorobei was having for Mew. It wasn't as if the feline was dangerous or anything - heck, the cat was the reason why he was here now. Otherwise he'd be long dead by literally dropping off the face of Reial with the rest of the team. The man had to admit, he pretty much owned his life to Mew. What was a little care-taking duty for compared to the debt of his life to the feline?

He nodded at Gorobei's direction. "Right zen," he replied as he started on his way down the path that the boatswain pointed out, Mew still bouncing happily on the top of his hat with little regard for its own safety. Pip was pretty sure it could just fly off anyway if it wanted to. Mew looked around the town as he walked, eyes gazing at everything with a childlike curiosity - as if it hadn't seen Reial before. Which could be true, given how the thing had been found in a box. It probably hadn't even seen the sun in ages.


goromical December 10 2008, 07:38:54 UTC
Gorobei followed warily behind the two, and was so caught up in his thoughts, he almost forgot to stop in front of the right bar. "Ah, wait! This is it." A couple just leaving the pub stared at odd group going in. The waitress who met them by the door, however, didn't even blink at the sight. She gave them a glance and then went to wait on another table.

The place was rather packed, which was a bit odd considering it wasn't that late in the day, so Gorobei grabbed a seat at the bar instead of bothering with trying to find a table. "So, why is it that the thing follows you around? Do you attract cats, or just magical pink things?" The bartender was there, and Gorobei quickly ordered some food and a tall glass of ale. He was going to need it if he was getting through the day with those giant blue eyes staring at him.


coyotealpha December 10 2008, 12:15:03 UTC
Pip has almost passed by the bar entirely before Gorobei had snapped out of his thoughts and pointed out the bar. The mercenary backtracked a little and grinned sheepishly at the couple who just exited (he was pretty sure the feline on his head was a pretty strange sight) as he and the boatswain made their way inside. Mew rolled backwards off his hat and floated down to his shoulder with another childish giggle as they passed through the doors and hovered around there even as the man settled himself at the bar next to the other pirate.

Once he had ordered his own things as well (salad with rum; Pip was having a desire to eat something green today), he looked at the feline when Gorobei asked him that question, Mew looking back with its big sapphire eyes curiously. "I 'unno m'self, t'be honvest," Pip replied with a casual shrug, "But itz not zo 'ad, anyvay. I'm zure ze lil' tyke von't 'ause much trouble." And as if in agreement, the feline swirled around them both around the heads before settling on Pip's shoulder, chirping a happy-sounding 'Mew!' as the man laughed lightly and lightly patted the cat on the head again. "See?"


goromical December 10 2008, 22:22:40 UTC
As the thing floated around Gorobei’s head, he ducked down staring at it wide-eyed as if it were ready to strike. Realizing that he probably looked like an idiot to Pip and most of the bar’s patrons, Gorobei tried to pretend that he was only ducking his head to get a better look at the waitress who was passing them by. It was a pathetic attempt, but he thought maybe mumbling, “You don’t see asses like that every day,” might help his cause a bit.

It pained him to take his eyes off of Mew. The damn cat liked to giggle and float around, and Gorobei wasn’t sure how that was supposed to settle his nerves. The cat thing was obviously up to something, and no amount of reassurance from the man he still couldn’t remember the name of wasn’t going to help that. “Of course it’s not so bad. It’s just a floating…” Gorobei trailed off, beginning to feel those giant blue eyes on him once again. Luckily, his inability to articulate, a rarity that is almost unheard of, was covered up by the bartender returning with his drink.

“Ahaha! Any time is a good time for a drink, yeah?” He took a large swig of his mug before looking back to Pip. “That thing, uh, doesn’t drink alcohol or eat-“ feed off my fears “- human food, does it?”


*is braindead* coyotealpha December 10 2008, 23:16:36 UTC
Pip blinked a little at Gorobei's reaction, chuckling a little at the remark. "I 'uess zo," he responded, grinning goofily at that. With this current job, he hadn't had much time to womanizing as he always did. Eh, he could live without it anyway - as far as he was concerned Seras was going to be the woman of his deams... that was, if he could find her again. He had lost contact with her for several years now but he'd still wonder where she was.

Still, it was kinda odd for Gorobei to be so stuff. Why was the man this tense anyway? Sure, the feline was kind of odd to be certain but even Freya hadn't been so tense with it - and Freya was a rat. So why the tension from the boatswain? Did he fear cats or something? Well, it wasn;t in his place to pry anyway, so Pip didn't make a comment.

"Vell..." he glanced at the feline who had just helped itself to a lettuce leaf from his salad. "I suppose it 'ats lettuce, at 'east. Not too sure 'bout the alochol 'ough." He was pretty sure the feline wouldn't be able to handle all that alcohol anyway,


goromical December 11 2008, 03:21:54 UTC
The alcohol-part had been met as just a joke, but watching the thing nibble on the piece of lettuce, Gorobei felt the sudden urge to throw his alcohol at it. He didn't of course, his self-control being a bit better than that. He wasn't even sure why he had that urge,. It would have felt like finally getting some much-needed revenge, but on a thing that had never even looked at him wrong. Maybe that was it, he didn't like it immediately, and it had yet to make an opinion on Gorobei.

When the glass of alcohol crushed into tiny pieces in Gorobei's hand, he knew it was about time to start getting control of his emotions. Unfortunately, that thought was quickly passed by for how nice the blood on his hand was looking to him at that exact moment.

Spinning his hand around a bit and prodding some of the glass still in the skin, Gorobei's face began to twist into a horrible smirk. With one glance back at Mew, his hand was on the hilt of his sword, popping it out of its sheath. "Kitty, kitty," Gorobei muttered, standing to his feet slowly. His eyes were beginning to dart around the room, but his attention remained on the cat. His laugh was loud, but lacking the normal jovial quality that it was normally noted for.

With one swift motion, the sword slipped into the air, and he made a lunge for the cat floating in front of him.


vfsgfoihpow oh Gorobei. Freaked out by Mew so much WTF XDDD coyotealpha December 11 2008, 03:32:28 UTC
Pip was immediately alarmed at the sudden sound of breaking glass when Gorobei shattered it in his hand, eyes widening in surprise more than shock - he was used to the blood of course, but not at how the usually joyval boatswain was. He opened his mouth, wanting to speak when then his mercenary senses buzzed with danger as he watched the man completely and utterly lose it. Luckily he still had his combat knife hidden inside his boot, and wasted no time in drawing it out just as the samurai lunged for the feline.

Mew gave a frightened cry as it curled up into a ball mid-air, a pink bubble of protection - the same bubble that had protected Pip and the rest when they were in that shipwreck appeared around it and protected its creator inside as the blade struck with a loud clang. The mercenary twirled the gambit knife in hand and raised it to deflect the second the blow that came soon afterward.

"Merde, 'orobei!" the man swore, slipping to his family's tongue for a second as he struggled against the berserk samurai. "Vat th' 'ell iz 'rong 'ith you?" As he spoke, Mew only contiuned to tremble inside its barrier, clearly frightened at the violence that the samurai had shown towards it.

The commotion was also starting to attract the people in the bar.


It's only natural. He's not crazy, I swear. XD goromical December 11 2008, 23:52:36 UTC
The laughing grew only louder as Gorobei's sword was deflected. When Pip met his blade with a knife, Gorobei paused for a second, staring the man down. His eyes softened a bit from their crazy state, but he did not back down. Instead, he drew his sword back, only to hit it back again against Pip's knife.

This time, his smile was a bit lighter and his laugh a tad more childish. He was by no means back to his normal self, but at least he seemed out to have some fun with Pip, rather than slaying him. "You're pretty good!" The other patrons of the pub didn't seem to think so.

"Get the hell out of here!" the bartender yelled, although where he had found the brass to yell at a crazy man with a blade was lost on the rest of the customers.

After a moment of pouting, Gorobei's smile was back and he was urging Pip to go outside. "Come on! I bet you can't beat me!" With a quick yelp, he slipped past Pip, hitting his blade against Mew's barrier as he went out the door. The fresh air seemed to calm him a bit, but he was still ready to fight. It had been a long time since someone blocked his sword. It had been a long time since he had fought, also, but his mind was to focused on having competition to note this.


Siiiiiigh. Pip is not amused though. 8| coyotealpha December 12 2008, 00:06:20 UTC
Okay, this was getting really confusing. First he was downright crazy, and then now he seemed a bit more to his normal state. Pip was by no means a person who lived with blades and swords - he was a gunman by profession and trade and wasn't that good at all with blades. He was only good enough with his gambit knife to know how to deflect simple attacks and throw them to hit an enemy's vital spots.

Needless to say, the mercenary knew he was pretty much dead meat. But if this was what could prevent the man from outright slaying him and the feline... well. It wasn't as if he had any choice in the matter. Pip sent an apologetic glance and bow to the bartender first before he followed Gorobei out of the joint, nervously fiddling with the cloth that covered the handle of the knife. He twirled it again, once, twice and then three times before grabbing it reverse.

Mew had finally managed to stop trembling, but kept its distance from Gorobei and closer to Pip as it hovered behind him, a scared whimper coming from it. The mercenary turned to the cat and muttered a 'Zorry', before gently pushing the ball it was in to the side, giving it a smile before he turned back to Gorobei and held up his dagger. "'eady ven you are zen, Gor'bei."


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