Dec 08, 2008 01:36

Characters: Pip Bernadette + Mew [coyotealpha] & OPEN to all in Colvus (Yes, this includes all of you Winding Way peeps 8D)
Content: Pip brings Mew (somewhat against his will) out into the city. A guy with a floating pink feline hovering around him? You know that gets attention real quick.
Setting: Around and about the fine city of Colvus.
Time: A bit after the 4423 docks in Colvus.
Warnings: Mew! 8D Expect loads of hijinks and shenanigans? Yeah.

It had been a while since Pip last visited Colvus, and it looked pretty much the same as ever. At least, that was what the mercenary could muse to himself as he walked into the main parts of the town. It had only been sometime ago since he was in that shipwreck but yet it seemed as if that had happened a lifetime ago - at least they managed to escape, the ship managed to get away before it got caught up in that whole thing and---


Pip was cut off from his thoughts then as he looked up and tried not to yelp at the sudden pair of big bright blue eyes looking at him curiously. He hadn't really gotten quite used to the fact of their... cargo (if that's what this thing was) hanging around him like that despite the time - it could be the bane of his mercenary existence, with its ability to sneak up on him like that. The man frowned a little and gently pushed the pink feline back. "Back zere, mate; you're goin' t'be th' death of me one day."

The feline only blinked again and tilted its head, curious. Pip stifled a sigh and resisted the irge to remove his hat to run fingers through his hair. It had been a tiring time for the whole crew ever since the end of that job. He watched as the cat started to get distracted by the surroundings and started to float towards the more inner parts of the town. The mercenary only smiled a little, letting out a quiet sigh as he followed close behind Mew into the town. Maybe some fresh air would do them both good.

[OOC: Here's how it goes - unless you want to chip into another thread, just post into a new one whenever you're tagging with a new character and I'll get back to it as soon as I can. Have fun with Pip and Mew~ \o\]

pip bernadette, ≠ gorobei katayama, ≠ shiki misaki

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