FOR THEATRE (And Science)! [OPEN]

Dec 01, 2008 14:44

Characters: Agatha Heterodyne (sparks_n_clanks) and anyone else on the Way who wants to help/watch 8D
Content: See Agatha. See Agatha see the Way's nifty stage and possibly install death rays.
Place: The Way; Stage.
Time: Early/Mid morningish. RISE AND SHINE KIDS~
Warnings: MAYHEM. I hope.

'Tis a glorious day for SCIENCE )

rikku dalabane, ≠ yuna bellevue, ≠ rhyme bito, sophie hatter, ≠ wolf, ≠ agatha heterodyne, mimino kurumi

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tiny_tinker_toy December 1 2008, 20:53:17 UTC
Agatha had been right--Rikku did bring her wrenches. And screwdrivers. And nifty drill thing. And anything she thought would be helpful.

Hobbling up onto the stage, Rikku looked around for the cocktiel-headed redhead. "Agatha?"


drinkitlovelife December 2 2008, 00:40:29 UTC
She wasn't the only one with tools; a certain pink rabbit-thing had her hammer and toolbox with her already. This was the nearest problem relevant to her job, after all, since she knew nothing about electrical wires or captured lightning.

"Oh," Milk announced, waving a little and trying to keep her eyes from closing. "Hi ~miru."


sparks_n_clanks December 2 2008, 05:04:33 UTC
"Hello, Rikku!", Agatha called over her shoulder, "And whoever is with you, hullo as well!"

Agatha straightened suddenly and whipped around towards Rikku, invading the other girl's personal space in her quest for answers. "Did you bring your tools, perchance?" She turned rapidly towards thing (rather odd looking but NO MATTER - she had a toolbox) and dropped a bit down to her level. "What's your name? What do you know about mechanics?"

[ooc: in case you can't see it, Agatha is totally Sparky now. There is special font~]


tiny_tinker_toy December 2 2008, 12:02:35 UTC
Whoa, Agatha was really excited to see them! Or maybe it was their tools. Whatever.

"Yep, brought 'em all!" Rikku held out the two toolboxes she carried.

[ooc: Arial font?]


drinkitlovelife December 2 2008, 16:55:04 UTC
Milk nodded and opened up her own box. "You can call me Milk Palmier if you want ~miru." They hadn't actually had family names back at the settlement she'd come from, so when she and her friends left to find work, she adopted the name of the settlement. Now she was Mimino Kurumi, except now she wasn't again - stupid energy drain. "I'm actually a blacksmith, but I used to work in magitech weapons ~miru. What are we doing to the stage ~miru?"


sparks_n_clanks December 2 2008, 20:56:38 UTC
Temporarily distracted from the stage mechanics (though Dingbot Prime was still clanking away behind her) Agatha stared at Milk as though she was something beneath a microscope. "A blacksmith? Really? How did you work? What did you make? Were there any size restrictions, or are you some sort of super-powered, unclassified being capable of creating enormous feats of engineering with your bare hands?"

She changed positions to face Rikku almost immediately, her voice less hyped up and more childishly excited. "Oh, wonderful! Now, what do you know about the stage mechanics?" Agatha tucked an errant strand of hair behind her ear. "What it its power source? How well does it run? Does it have any special features besides the level-shifting?"

[ooc: argh, fuck font. You get crazy formatting shit instead. /grumbles in corner.]


tiny_tinker_toy December 2 2008, 21:35:31 UTC
"Wow, Agatha, who gave you coffee this morning?" Rikku giggled. Cid never let her have coffee, said her mom would haunt him if he did. "It's got your basic lighting frame, but we can usually do all sorts of nifty light-tricks, we have a machine that can do fog, we can split the stage, making it two layers, and it runs off'a that." The blonde pointed to a large metal looking thing. "I think it's a steam and mana crystal hybrid."


drinkitlovelife December 2 2008, 21:38:09 UTC
"Hey, there's nothing wrong with being small ~miru!" Milk crossed her arms, looking rather silly with the hammer in her hand. "I'm used to being little, so it's no problem for me ~miru." She looked over at the stage's engine with Agatha and Rikku. "So what do we need to do?"

(orz *hug*)


sparks_n_clanks December 4 2008, 16:46:01 UTC
"A hybrid, hmmmmm." Agatha tilted her head ever-so-slightly as she looked intently at the power supply across the room. Drat, only a hybrid. Much less efficient than electricity, but she supposed she would have to make do with it.

For now.

Agatha raked an unknowingly oil-stained hand through her hair and turned back to her workspace. "Rikku, could you go turn it off?" Best not to blow any circuitry. She had some ideas that could overload the control board - power backlashes were just so annoying sometimes... "And Milk, could you come help me over here?"


tiny_tinker_toy December 4 2008, 21:02:36 UTC
Rikku nodded and hobbled over to the main switch. Making sure the stage was stable, she flipped the switch, cutting off the power with a "zzzzt".

"Ta da!"


drinkitlovelife December 5 2008, 07:02:49 UTC
"Coming ~miru!" Milk hopped after Agatha and tilted her head at the machinery. "What are we doing, anyway ~miru?"


sparks_n_clanks December 12 2008, 03:54:15 UTC
Agatha spoke to Milk but was far too engrossed with the machinery before her to turn and look a the pink thing. "Well, I've already got some ideas for smoothing out the gears - there are far too many extraneous pieces in here!" She tugged out a few of the offending parts and lobbed them distractedly over her shoulder. "It's like whoever built this had no knowledge of Johnson-calibrated mechanical theory!"


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