Another City, Another Lady... [Closed]

Nov 23, 2008 19:25

Characters: Ffamran and Giselle
Content: Date the Second! (also tea)
Setting: Melior
Time: Backdated to before the Way and Victoria left
Warnings: SAP!

Ffamran had to say that being back in Melior again was a mixed blessing. Having helped fend off a mechanical spider attack wasn't exactly the way he'd intended to spend his time, but after he had heard the Winding Way was in town to put on an ancient and famous play-- well his first thought had been to take Giselle out for tea like he had promised.

They hadn't spoken in ages, since before Lunasa and the bombings, and there was probably even more that had happened than he hadn't heard from her.

It was strange, there was something about actually being in the same city that made him actually remember he was quite taken with her. Sadly that something tended to grow dimmer when they were apart, but ... he tried.

Regardless, he got dressed up in his nicest pants, shirt and vest and headed over to the Winding Way to pick up Giselle and take her out for tea.

≠ ffamran bunansa, ≠ giselle philip

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