Nov 23, 2008 16:17

Characters: Medusa Gorgon, Admiral von Karma, and possibly Miles Edgeworth
Content: Medusa has some 'splainin to do.
Setting: Captain's office, Victoria II
Time: Not long after landing in Bellicus
Warnings: Probably fewer than you'd think.

Medusa had been expecting this, really. Her false military records said not one thing about her having magical ability, and certainly not of the caliber displayed during the battle with the robots. The Admiral was, by all accounts, a bright, if somewhat idiosyncratic, man; surely he would realize something was up.

This was fine. Having her ability as a magic-user known would make it easier to do...other work; she could just say she was practicing.

What was slightly more worrisome was the possibility that he had discovered her paperwork was, in fact, false. If that was the case...well, certainly there was some tact she could take to smooth the situation over; she had a range of options.

Medusa knocked on the door to von Karma's office and waited for a reply.

≠ medusa gorgon, manfred von karma, miles edgeworth

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