Dead Man's Party

Sep 11, 2008 18:41

Characters: Danny Fenton, Ryohei, and anyone else fighting against undead hordes
Content: Part of the barricade collapsed, and the undead are starting to pour in. WHAT DO YOU DO?
Setting: Clairborne, right near the barricades Danny and Ryohei are holding up
Time: The night of the attack
Warnings: Blood, violence, and extreme corpses

When there's no more room down in Hell any more... )

≠ garnet til alexandros xvii, ≠ danny fenton, ≠ falco lombardi, ≠ garfield tabbis, ≠ ffamran bunansa, hijikata toshirou, ≠ amelia quelis, ≠ samuel vimes, ≠ sasagawa ryohei, ≠ jade curtiss, ≠ maka albarn

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mind_of_the_sky September 12 2008, 02:27:08 UTC
Jade nodded, relieved to see Ssagawa suitably cowed. While the boys' determination was admirable, he'd hardly be much use dead - or un-dead.

He opened his mouth to speak, but was interrupted by Fenton's fainting and Sasagawa's subsequent reaction. Jade frowned sourly, and recalled his spear in a small flash of light. "Just bring him with us," he said, kneeling to help the cook, "but try not to let him come in contact with your bite."

He stood, ushering the wounded boys back under Bunansa's cover fire, and shouted over the clamor of their battle. "Lieutenant! I'll return as soon as these two are taken care of." How splendid, only two people left to guard the breach, and one of them only a child. Jade's frown deepened and he made a mental note to have a chat with whomever oversaw the ships' recruiting.


supernovae September 12 2008, 02:45:33 UTC
"Yessir," Ryohei responded, extremely careful as he lifted Danny up and supported him. He made sure that his gauze-previously wrapped around both forearms-properly covered the bite before he began to move. While he still didn't believe spreading the infection was possible, or perhaps couldn't quite comprehend the idea, he listened to Jade anyways. The man was older and smarter and a doctor, of course, so he sort of had to. All athletes should listen to their doctors!

Though most athletes didn't end up having to fight zombies.

"Where are we going, Dr. Curtiss?" he asked, looking back one last time at the barricade. He flashed Ffamran and Maka a grin, as though assuring them he knew they'd do a great job until more people arrived. He looked back to Jade after that, still continuing in a direction away from the barricade until he was given proper direction.


mayovice September 12 2008, 06:23:37 UTC
Despite the calm demeanor that he had, the indifferent face that he still had on, Hijikata honestly had to admit that he was a tad frightened. He didn't show it of course - that would be like him now - but he was frightened. Dead people weren't supposed to fucking get back up and march on like they hadn't died. Corpses weren't supposed to be doing what it was doing now.

Just what the fuck was going on now? Hijikata had no answers to that, but for now the only thing he knew was to cut down all these things before him. This was in his territory - this was what he grew up with. Death and murder and the fight to simply survive. This was his zone ( ... )


mind_of_the_sky September 12 2008, 20:33:21 UTC
Jade answered Sasagawa's question by simply grabbing the boy's shoulder and steering him in a slightly different direction. "There are supplies back at the drop-site. They'll suffice until proper transportation becomes available."

He walked slower than he'd have liked, mostly to allow Sasagawa to keep up with Fenton's dead weight - ah, and Fenton, there was an interesting curiosity. The boy had been glowing, or at least in a state of phenomena. Some sort of transformation than had subsequently left him exhausted - pity he'd fainted ( ... )


supernovae September 12 2008, 20:50:07 UTC
"Ah," Ryohei allowed himself to be redirected, not seeming at all bothered by it as he continued to carry Danny without any difficulty. It would've been easier and faster to have him walking, too, but there wasn't much to be done about that unless his friend woke up and managed to at least walk a little on his own.

Rather than put up much of a fuss about anything Jade did, he ducked and moved where he was pulled, careful not to jostle Danny around more than necessary. He wasn't sure what he'd done, but he'd helped keep the barricade up, and had done an extremely good job, so it was all right with him ( ... )


findme_inthesky September 13 2008, 00:45:09 UTC
Danny being suddenly moved to Ryohei's back jostled him awake. He groaned a little bit and ventured a small look at his surroundings. Was he moving? He registered Ryohei carrying him after that, and that they were still on the front lines.

Ugh, what had hit him? Oh, right. His powers. He'd used him to the point that he passed out. That had to be a first. Honestly, he was surprised he could hold them for so long.

Wait, there were people showing up the the front line last he saw. Did they see him...? Danny spotted Jade in front of him and nearly fainted again.


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mind_of_the_sky September 13 2008, 21:01:30 UTC
Jade bit back another annoyed retort at the new-comer, until he realized she was offering assistance, not badgering. "We need to get these two back on board first."

He didn't stop walking towards the drop-spot, but did nod briefly at the young woman to join them.


supernovae September 14 2008, 03:27:59 UTC
Ryohei didn't even notice that Danny had waken up, but he was rather focused on following Jade, and now there was a new person joining them. She didn't look much like a fighter, but then again, neither did Danny, so he didn't judge any. Besides, there were plenty of people out here that had different skills.

Which should've explained why they weren't getting bitten, but he didn't think of that.

"Dr. Curtiss and everybody else seems real worried about this bite," he began, talking to her as he followed the good doctor. "So maybe it'd be an extremely good idea to at least get it healed a little before I got on the ship again!" He paused, considering it. Afterward, he spoke a little more quietly than before, directed to Garnet and hopefully low enough that Jade didn't hear. "Well, probably a better one when we get closer to the ship, that way we don't have to stop. I don't think Dr. Curtiss would like anymore delays."


mayovice September 14 2008, 03:49:14 UTC
Well, that went extremely well, if the man would quote Ryohei. Hijikata didn't need to take long to know that he had screwed up - sure, he had messed up here and there a couple of times; he wasn't as good as a planner as his cousin was after all. But to mess up at this critical point...

It really wasn't going to do the situation any good at all, to be honest. The boatswain hissed under his breath in frustration as he kept a firm grip on the hilt of his sword, still ready to draw it out anytime. Years of living in Solare had at least, taught him the lesson to be always prepared. Now that he himself had no idea what to do next... "What's the plan then? We need to move or fight back before we get overrun," he asked briskly.


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mind_of_the_sky September 16 2008, 01:01:11 UTC
Jade paused for a moment, eyes fixed intently on the young woman's healing spell. It was always...humbling to see another heal with pure will - the seventh fonon, the healing fonon, had been the only one he couldn't learn. Even now, that frustration irked him.

As the spell finished, he glanced back up at its caster. "You have my thanks, but I'd still prefer to have him back up in the medical ward for observation purposes." Jade gave a nod to Fenton's limp form. "Not to mention the other boy..." Very curious for a cabin boy, Fenton was.


supernovae September 16 2008, 01:48:56 UTC
This was, quite simply, the first time Ryohei had ever encountered healing magic. He'd been to a lot of doctors in the past due to injuries, but this was the first that there was a magic-user fixing him up. He observed with interest, shifting Danny's weight mostly to one side so she could have the injured hand.

Interest changed to awe as he watched her do Esuna first, though he wasn't sure if he was feeling anything different in the process of focusing entirely on watching the spell. "Wow!"

He couldn't help but be rather amazed. It only increased when she switched to another spell, and he actually most definitely did feel something. Even without her saying what it was, he could tell, between the color and how he could feel it heal.

"Wow to the limit! Thanks!" he wiggled his fingers once he was sure the bite was healed, lifting it up to get a look at it before Jade spoke. He gave Garnet a grateful smile, something that probably shouldn't have fit in on a zombie battleground, and his attention went to the commodore afterward. Nodding ( ... )


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mayovice September 17 2008, 09:13:36 UTC
Hijikata blinked as he watched the newcomer did what she did. Magic had never been something that he was used to and despite the good natures of this spell the boatswain still felt a chill going up his spine Garnet casted the two magics to heal up Ryohei. He watched in mild interest as the wound sealed up by itself and in a flash, it was as if Ryohei hadn't been injured in the first place. Magic really was unpredictable... one of the main reasons why it irked the man so much. Unpredictability was something Hijikata was never acquainted to.

The boatswain gripped the hilt of his sword once again, straightening himself as Ryohei and the rest got up, ready for action anytime on the battlefield. "I'll cover them to safer ground then and have one of the pilots pick them up," he spoke, and the turned to face Jade. "Any objections to that, Doctor?"


mind_of_the_sky September 17 2008, 20:52:06 UTC
Jade nodded briefly to the boatswain. "None at all." How wonderful to see that the Commander could be reasonable.

He stopped short in his tracks and turned to Sasagawa, eyes already scanning the battlefield behind them. "Thanks to that little intervention, I doubt either you or Fenton are in serious danger of expiration. Once you get back to the ship, get down to the medical ward and stay there." He delivered the last phrase with a slight furrowing of his eyebrows. "I need you both there for later observation."

Jade glanced again at Hijikata and the young woman, measuring each briefly in turn, and strode once more towards the battlefield, spear at the ready.


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