Dead Man's Party

Sep 11, 2008 18:41

Characters: Danny Fenton, Ryohei, and anyone else fighting against undead hordes
Content: Part of the barricade collapsed, and the undead are starting to pour in. WHAT DO YOU DO?
Setting: Clairborne, right near the barricades Danny and Ryohei are holding up
Time: The night of the attack
Warnings: Blood, violence, and extreme corpses

When there's no more room down in Hell any more... )

≠ garnet til alexandros xvii, ≠ danny fenton, ≠ falco lombardi, ≠ garfield tabbis, ≠ ffamran bunansa, hijikata toshirou, ≠ amelia quelis, ≠ samuel vimes, ≠ sasagawa ryohei, ≠ jade curtiss, ≠ maka albarn

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Comments 47

supernovae September 11 2008, 23:17:12 UTC
This was a horrible day.

At first, Ryohei had no idea why they were making barricades. And then, he saw all the posts about zombies, of all things! He'd read some books about them, sure, and heard some radio shows, but honestly! Zombies didn't really exist!

And then he saw them.

Okay, so maybe zombies existed, but they still couldn't turn you into one! ... right?


Well, it wasn't like he was panicking about being bitten. He trusted their doctors, and was certain that a little bite-which wasn't as little as he said it was, and was bleeding through his makeshift bandage already-and, even if he did turn into a zombie, it was worth protecting his crewmates and friends.

Speaking of.

"Danny!" he yelled out, not sure where exactly he was now. He'd lost track of where he'd gone in all the chaos. "Do you see the others anywhere?!" He wasn't looking forward to spotting Jade, after all, but seeing Ffamran or Ayumu would be great.


findme_inthesky September 11 2008, 23:41:06 UTC
Danny had to agree with Ryohei. This day sucked pretty bad.

He wasn't entirely sure what he was getting into when he'd been ordered to support the barricades, but when he got there, he wished he'd stayed in Melior.

Zombies were NOT supposed to be real, no matter HOW much magic this place had. It just. Didn't happen.

So now, Danny was fighting off a zombie horde with the powers that conveniently decided to work for him. Seriously, it must have been the situation because ...he never dreamed he'd pull off blasts as powerful, or so many times in a row. There was a faint green glow rising off him as he struggled to keep up the firepower.

It wasn't long before he was starting to wear out. The reinforcements needed to get here quick. He looked up as Ryohei called out to him.

"Not yet!"


supernovae September 11 2008, 23:47:10 UTC
Ah, there he was. Ryohei spun around, using his shoulder to hold up a collapsing part of the barricade, expression somewhat irritated. This was getting sort of annoying, even for him. Upon finding where exactly he was, he frowned even more than before. "You should rest!"

If he were anyone else, he would've asked himself if he wanted to be the pot or the kettle. Jade had ordered him to fall back, and yet he was clearly disobeying orders until he saw the man himself. He had to make his argument to the doctor! This was worth the trouble he was putting himself in.

"You're looking extremely tired, and I'm sure that Ffamran and everybody else will be here soon! Then, we can beat these zombies back!" Priority one was keeping everyone safe, priority two was making sure that Danny was okay, since he was his comrade in this situation. While the powers had impressed him, even Ryohei could tell that he was already reaching a limit.


bunansajr September 11 2008, 23:54:27 UTC
Ffamran had been running flat out for the few minutes it took him to get from his own position on the barricade to where Danny and Ryohei were holed up. The powder at his hip and the spare bags of shot weighed him down more than he would have liked, as well.

The two were manning their solitary portion of the line with Ryohei being -- himself, swinging punches despite the fact he had been bitten. Danny was glowing and that was something entirely new and different that he didn't want to deal with right now. He hoped that didn't have anything to do with further zombie infection.

He clicked the safety off his gun before firing a shot straight into the face of the nearest zombie not four feet away. That one had been fresh and the brains still looked like something out of an anatomy text not a tomb.

"My, that was revolting." He tried to be cavalier about it but it really was disgusting. "Are both of you alright?"

He ignored the fact that Ryohei was already bitten as he reloaded quickly and expertly.


mind_of_the_sky September 12 2008, 02:27:08 UTC
Jade nodded, relieved to see Ssagawa suitably cowed. While the boys' determination was admirable, he'd hardly be much use dead - or un-dead.

He opened his mouth to speak, but was interrupted by Fenton's fainting and Sasagawa's subsequent reaction. Jade frowned sourly, and recalled his spear in a small flash of light. "Just bring him with us," he said, kneeling to help the cook, "but try not to let him come in contact with your bite."

He stood, ushering the wounded boys back under Bunansa's cover fire, and shouted over the clamor of their battle. "Lieutenant! I'll return as soon as these two are taken care of." How splendid, only two people left to guard the breach, and one of them only a child. Jade's frown deepened and he made a mental note to have a chat with whomever oversaw the ships' recruiting.


supernovae September 12 2008, 02:45:33 UTC
"Yessir," Ryohei responded, extremely careful as he lifted Danny up and supported him. He made sure that his gauze-previously wrapped around both forearms-properly covered the bite before he began to move. While he still didn't believe spreading the infection was possible, or perhaps couldn't quite comprehend the idea, he listened to Jade anyways. The man was older and smarter and a doctor, of course, so he sort of had to. All athletes should listen to their doctors!

Though most athletes didn't end up having to fight zombies.

"Where are we going, Dr. Curtiss?" he asked, looking back one last time at the barricade. He flashed Ffamran and Maka a grin, as though assuring them he knew they'd do a great job until more people arrived. He looked back to Jade after that, still continuing in a direction away from the barricade until he was given proper direction.


mayovice September 12 2008, 06:23:37 UTC
Despite the calm demeanor that he had, the indifferent face that he still had on, Hijikata honestly had to admit that he was a tad frightened. He didn't show it of course - that would be like him now - but he was frightened. Dead people weren't supposed to fucking get back up and march on like they hadn't died. Corpses weren't supposed to be doing what it was doing now.

Just what the fuck was going on now? Hijikata had no answers to that, but for now the only thing he knew was to cut down all these things before him. This was in his territory - this was what he grew up with. Death and murder and the fight to simply survive. This was his zone ( ... )


mind_of_the_sky September 12 2008, 20:33:21 UTC
Jade answered Sasagawa's question by simply grabbing the boy's shoulder and steering him in a slightly different direction. "There are supplies back at the drop-site. They'll suffice until proper transportation becomes available."

He walked slower than he'd have liked, mostly to allow Sasagawa to keep up with Fenton's dead weight - ah, and Fenton, there was an interesting curiosity. The boy had been glowing, or at least in a state of phenomena. Some sort of transformation than had subsequently left him exhausted - pity he'd fainted ( ... )


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