And Away We Go..... [Closed]

Sep 10, 2008 02:37

Characters:  Richard Gumshoe, Sho Minamimoto(, and possible Hijikata)
Content: A fight, an escape, and all the witty banter in between
Setting: The Brig
Time:  During the Zombie-pocolypse.
Warnings: Violence, and Sho being Sho.

His eye was finally starting to be able to open....but it didn't much matter.  He still couldn't see anything out of it but a blurr of dark color and smudges.  It was better just to keep in closed.  The doctor had come awhile back after the conversation he'd had with the first mate, and the stitches that ran the length of the puffy cut still felt stiff and sore against his skull.  A patch of white still gleamed through in places, but for the most part it was starting to heal over in thick, ugly scabs.  Which was a good thing....cause his undershirt had long ago been torn into strips.

So, he was shirtless, hurting, and cold.  Add in the rumbling of his stomach and his day was remarkably ...well, let just say the helmsmen's cheery modd had long ago faded.

≠ richard "dick" gumshoe, ≠ sho minamimoto, hijikata toshirou

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