Tired of Waiting [Closed - Complete]

Sep 09, 2008 23:36

Characters: L Lawliet and Vash the Stampede
Content: L makes his move on Vash
Setting: Vash's Quarters - Winding Way
Time: Late Night
Warnings: Two men, donut boxes, maybe some rope.

L paced his quarters for a few moments. He was a ball of nerves. That was unusual, to say the least. When he worked cases he was always completely focused; he would find evidence, trace it to its source, form theories, check them with experimentation and investigation and then strike. Each of those steps were passionless and uninhibited by any personal feelings. That wasn't the case today.

He checked the boxes he'd set aside. One of them was still filled with the donuts he'd brought on board earlier that day. It would have to do.

He walked down the all but abandoned, late night corridors, feeling more like a criminal going to the gallows than a world class detective. He stood in front of Vash's door for at least thirty seconds, he took a few deep breaths to assure himself that he could do this. He was the greatest detective in all Reial, this should be child's play.

He knocks on the door and waits.

≠ vash the stampede, ≠ l lawliet

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